In the late 1990's I went to a seminar
that changed my view on just how much
control I have over my life.
I went to a seminar by the man who I still think
brought life strategies to the masses and who
I still consider to be one of the BEST.
My Dream Team; Tony Robbins and Oprah |
I was so inspired with what I heard at that
3 day seminar. I just soaked everything up
and came away bursting with enthusiasm in a
way I had never felt before.
I suddenly felt for the first time
that I was the navigator of my life.
I was going to drive my life in the way
I wanted too.
I wasn't going to follow anyone else's map
(which I am proud to say I haven't)
I bored everyone who came into
contact with me with what I had
One year later whilst Hubs was working
in Hong Kong, I took unpaid leave from
my corporate life and I went to the US to train with
Anthony Robbins
I then started coaching friends, and friends
of friends, and gradually my business grew
beyond anything I could have imagined.
I never advertised. I never marketed.
It just grew organically.
I didn't even have a website and of course
Twitter and Facebook didn't exist then.
And then something happened.
Everywhere I looked people where calling
themselves Life Coaches; people who perhaps had
just read a book on coaching, 20-somethings who had done
a weekend course. EVERYONE.
I was really peeved.
What can a 20-something know about
What experience both professional or personal can a 20-something
bring to the table?
How can reading a book make you eligible to start
charging people for your services?
In fact I spoke to a business coach not
that long ago who said to me
"I see you are NLP trained. What
is that?". I was flabbergasted.
If you are not a coach I don't
expect you to know. BUT if you are a coach
you damn well should know and
yet she was charging phenomenal
amounts for her coaching services.
Was this right?
Was this ethical?
Anyway back to 2005 where I was still peeved.
So I threw all my toys
out of the pram, stamped my feet and decided
that apart from some very close clients
I was not taking on any more clients.
Fast forward to Winter 2013 and
a couple of old clients made contact with me.
They had new challenges and wanted to work with me
again. Of course I said NO.
However not that long after my best friend
and I were having a conversation about the
new contacts. I explained to her that my life
was all about "sparkles" now.
She then said something surprising.
She said "you are letting your ego make
this decision for you".
How could she say that?
She explained that as soon as I felt
everyone had jumped on the coaching
bandwagon, I decided I had to jump off
(as I was never one to follow the masses ;-)
It was never a logical decision in her eyes
(and she knows me better than anyone).
We spoke about how much I loved coaching,
how I grew my business organically and
with very little effort. How I always felt
that with my Psychology background I could
move my coaching clients forward much faster.
She asked me, "why can't you coach and
have sparkles in your life?"
I didn't really have an argument, so I said I
would "think about it"
(my usual way of stalling a decision when I don't
know what to do).
She continued to nag me throughout the Winter
(as only a best friend can).
Then in the summer of 2013 someone contacted
me via my blog and asked if I was still coaching.
Was this serendipity?
My best friend thought it was.
So I tentatively said yes.
We've been having a blast; I've
been loving it. I also come to the table with
8 years more life experience under my belt (the
good, the bad and the down right ugly ;-)
So after much thought and cajoling
from certain quarters I have decided
to dip my toes tentatively back into
Apart from a couple of old clients that I
started re-working with and a new client via my blog
I decided to open up only
THREE more slots.
As I have NEVER had a website
for my coaching I am mentioning
this only here on my blog.
If you are interested and would
like a 30 minute complimentary chat
to see if it's really for you,
then drop me a line. Even if you are not
sure what the hell coaching really is,
I would be happy to talk to you.
I would love to know your thoughts about
coaching? Is it just a waste of time?
Do you feel you can work through your
own things without having someone tell you
how to do it?
Do you prefer to talk through challenges
with family and friends?
Have you ever worked with a coach?
Finally back to sparkles.
These SABRINA earrings are new and
not yet in our shop; they will be going in in October.
The web price will eventually be 165.00 (GBP)
However for blog followers and subscribers
I am offering these for 120.00 (GBP)
which is approx $195.
This offer ends Saturday 28 September.
Have a lovely weekend Lovelies