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Suede Sorbet

Apr 22, 2015

One of the Spring trends this year is "sorbet suede".
Here are some of my favourite picks

Bag: Tory Burch 2015
Ring: Available here

Pierre Hardy Suede Sandals

Jacket: Haider Ackerman
Onyx and Druzy Pendant: Available here
Onyx and Druzy Ring: Available here


Jacket: Gucci
Ring: Available here

Shoes: Jimmy Choos in Key Lime
Ring: Available here

What do you think?
Do you like pastel suede or do you feel suede 
should only be worn in it's natural colour?

Would also love to know if you agree with this Anna
Wintour quote. It's a little controversial, but as
always I would love to hear your thoughts.

Spring Is For Color

Apr 2, 2015

Spring really feels like it has finally arrived.
I so love this time of year; a time of re-birth, renewal,
optimism, and hope.

It's been a hard Winter for me after losing
my beloved Dad, and each day is still
a painful reminder of what I have lost.

However, the gorgeous colours I seem to see
everywhere gives me a real "spring" in my
step (sorry for the pun).

It is such a short season and doesn't
even exist when I am in Spain where 
it seems to go from Winter to Summer 
within 1 week!!

Paris, Spring, cherry blossom
Paris in Spring

 I need to be eased into this gorgeous season
slowly, so that I can really savour the changes that
are taking place around me, and also within myself.

New dreams, plans, get my drift ;-)

Oscar de la renta, spring, pink
Oscar de la Renta 2015

Chanel, details, pink
Chanel. I so need this jacket in my life!

L'oeuf spirale de Fabergé

Available here:

I find this quote so true. 
Spring, the time for new beginnings that you may have
been incubating during the long Winter months.
What one project are you really keen to take forward?

Wishing you all a fabulous long weekend whether 
you celebrate Easter or not .
