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Dreamy Cream

Nov 24, 2015

I am a firm believer in keeping
things beautifully simple.

Sometimes luxe textures are all you need :-)

Monique L'Hullier

Ralph Lauren (I so need this jacket in my life!)

How gorgeous will these beauties look;
adding a little colour to your cream?

black jade gemstone statement/cocktail rings

A dome of luxuriant quartz gemstone sitting proudly
aloft the sensuous hues of black jade.

black jade gemstone drop earrings

Black jade drop earrings that ooze chicness, sexiness
and a mysterious allure for the woman wearing them.

Do you go for simplicity or are you
more a fashion renegade-mixing colours
and textures to suit your style?

Do you ever wear cream and would you
be brave enough to buy a  milky, creamy coat?

As always I love hearing your thoughts

Where Are You?

Nov 16, 2015

I actually saw this quote many moons ago (long before Steve Jobs died)
and it seemed to sear a place into my brain that never left.
It haunted me for many years when my pay cheque was much
larger than my desire to keep doing what I was doing.

It's the one quote/perspective that made me make big
career changes when everyone else was telling me I was nuts
(and to be honest I also felt like I had lost the plot).

It's now a question I can answer a resounding YES to every day
(even the days when I am pulling my hair out and over dosing 
on chocolate cake to numb the stress!!!)

Where are you?
Have you just started your journey to YES?
Are you already there?
Do you believe there is no such place?

Would love to hear you views as always
Happy week Lovelies
