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I Wish For You…………….

Dec 22, 2016

OMG!!! only a few more days before
the BIG MAN in red arrives.

So before we all turn off our technology
(that is what is supposed to happen isn't it?)
here's what I wish for you, my loyal readers.

I wish for you:

*the joy of finally "getting there" and the
realisation that what's not done can stay undone

*the joy of imperfections; perfection is not required

*the joy of kicking back and savouring the moments

*the joy of belly laughs

*the joy of reminiscing

*the joy of having enough

*the joy of  kisses and cuddles 
(from man or beast ;-)

*the joy of making real memories. Memories
that will be etched in your memory forever (for all
the good reasons of course).

*the joy of spontaneous memories that happened
before you could even find a phone to capture the moment.

*the joy of reflection

*the joy of some quiet time-even just a few minutes
silence will be so refreshing

*the joy of sparkles everywhere

*the joy of  cheesy Christmas films

*the joy of meals thrown together in the
after-math of the big day as you decide to
channel your "inner Nigella".

*the joy of pyjamas becoming daywear ;-)

*the joy of anticipation as you start to think about 
 dreams for 2018

*the joy of appreciating where you are;
we all are where we are meant to be
right now (even if we can't see it at the time)

Finally I would like to thank you for 
the joy you give me as you accompany 
me in this humble space I call 
my blog. I am not a writer and sometimes
find it difficult to come up with anything of value.

In fact most days I can't even think of words to string
a sentence together 

So I appreciate every single one of you who make
time to visit. I know how "time-starved" we all are,
so it means even more to me to think I have people
even reading my ramblings ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and
nothing but the best for the New Year;
I also hope you will continue to visit in 2017


My Lust Have List (for Santa).

Dec 8, 2016

OK, call me a brat, but I have a "lust-have"list
for Santa. Santa doesn't always look at my 
list. Sometimes he looks at it. Sometimes he goes 
rogue!!! Some years he gets ideas from my list
but doesn't actually buy the exact thing.
Either way I don't mind. Whatever Santa decides
to do I am happy with; but I do like to give some
"guidance" ;-)

So here is my "guidance" for Santa this year
(let's hoping he is feeling a little "flush").

christmas gifts, notebooks, journals, gifts, Holiday season
OK, I do love me some stationary and the prettier the better.
I have bought these as gifts for some of my girlfriends who are
similar to me in their love for "pretty paper".
 Matthew Williamson Notebooks.

Shhhhhh! this one is a secret so don't go
sharing with your best friend.

This is a perfume you probably haven't heard of and yet 
it's is Liberty's best selling product this year!!!!

The last time I wore this was I
was literally chased/followed/stalked by a woman who
was following me until she could find the right moment
to approach me and ask me what perfume I was wearing!!!!

I was even pounced on from behind in the cinema.
After recovering and re-starting my heart I told
the woman the name of the perfume.

Here's the thing, the perfume smells differently on everyone as it's
chemical make-up adapts to the wearer.

It is Es centric Molecule1. It consists of
one single ingredient (which is know as Iso E Super
in the fragrance world) and the rest is all down
to your chemicals.

Let me tell you once you wear this you will not wear
anything else. It will be like having your own signature scent.

christmas gifts, gifts, luxury gifts, Bulgari, Bulgari rings

Any B.Zero ring by Bulgari will do me (I have the plain 
gold version which I use as my wedding ring most days).
However, if Santa wants to earn points for 2018, he needs
to get this little beauty in his sack asap; the rose gold
and black ceramic version will be most welcome.
Just saying!

christmas gifts, gifts, luxury gifts, Carolina Herrera, bags, luxury bags

Carolina Herrera Matryoskha Bag

Having lived in Spain for 12 years, Carolina
Herrera became a firm favourite of mine (especially
as my home was spitting distance from her store!)
So if I have to choose a bag it is nearly from one of
my 2 favourite designers. The other favourite always on
my list is also below.

christmas gifts, gifts, luxury bags, gifts for her, Loewe,Spanish

The Loewe store was also too conveniently placed near my house
on both the Spanish mainland and also when I lived in Mallorca.
I had to pass it every single day. Needless to say I saw the
assistants in the store more than I saw my own family!!!
In fact they became my family ;-)

My Husband knows if he ever has to wrack his brains as to what
to get for me, he just needs to head to Loewe and all will be 
"made easy" ;-) Headache gone without even taking an aspirin

Finally these bookends are gorgeous. They are handcrafted
in porcelain then plated in 24 carat to give that
really luxe look.
What do you think?
You can buy them here

So there you have it, My "lust-list".
All a little extravagant but it is a 
"lust list" after all.

Would love to know is there something
extravagant on your Santa list which is there
"just in case" Santa decides you have been a 
good girl?

Do tell

Permission To Shine

Dec 5, 2016

To hell with being sensible.
This is the season for throwing caution to the
wind and to razzle dazzle with the best of them.

No one did it better than J.K Rowling.

Anyway back to the issue of shining this season.

She didn't play it safe. It was a  full on, all over sequin-fest.

The message all over the catwalks seemed to be have fun with sparkles 
and rekindle your love of Shirley Bassey  or
channel your inner sparkle fairy.

D&G catwalk finale
Here's some sparkle tips.

*dark coloured sequins are much more subtle and wearable than the 
brighter versions.

A Victoria Secret's Angel going dark and moody.
Perfection wouldn't you say?

*if there's a part of your body that you don't like to draw 
attention to by wearing sequins then keep the sparkles down
below on your feet.

 Casadei Glittter Sandals

*Beware the scratch of cheaper sequins and glitter. 
Splash out if you can ;-)

Givenchy jacket. We can all dream ;-)

*Balance sparkly outfits with simple jewellery or risk 
looking like a festive bauble.

As dark and sultry as a Tom Ford scent.
Rings here

So will you be pulling out all the stops and going sequin-crazy?
What did you think of JK Rowling's ensemble?
Are sequins only for the Holiday season?

As always I love to hear your thoughts

This & That (+ Time Sensitive Offer)

Nov 11, 2016

Well what a week it's been whichever part of the world 
you live in.

So to put a smile on your face I have a few things to give you
and tell you about.

Firstly do you have a box full of sparkles 
but never quite sure how to put your pieces together?

Do you wear the same piece every single day?

Or do you throw it all on in the hope of hitting at least one trend, 
but instead end up looking like a walking Christmas tree?

Then why not grab my cute FREE little cheat sheet which you can literally pin to your dressing table mirror. No heavy reading required just lovely little images to nail your look.

Really let your "bling sing" this Holiday season instead of feeling as dull as "vanilla" AGAIN!

Just grab your sheet here

Also for all my new subscribers just wanted to remind you that we are proud that our 
#GemsGive Back. 

A percentage of all my profits go to Pencils Of Promise so that children like the ones below have a chance of an education.

OK, back to the madness that is Christmas. 
If you are looking for some great book ideas for the book worms in your family.

This article had some really good recommendations.
Read article here

I also made some recommendations for
female entrepreneurs/bloggers  here

Finally, let me put the smile back on your face ;-)
As some of my regular readers know I don't do Black Friday sales.
SO  I would like to gift you something NOW .

Buy one set of bangles and we will GIVE YOU the matching rings to go with it.

Checkout code is:

3 DAYS ONLY (then it's off the table for good!!!)
Offer ends Sunday 13 November Midnight (BST)

Just go here:

That's it Lovelies.
Would love to hear if there are any books
not on either list that you would recommend.

Wishing you a calm and happy weekend.

It's About The (Iconic) Details Darling!

Oct 12, 2016

When it comes to fads, logo's come and go
out of style (and I am not really a logo kind of
girl ;-)

There are also some brands which we can distinguish
immediately by their iconic details. I'm talking the
red soles of Lou Bou's, the tweed of Chanel, the Birkin 
or Kelly bag by Hermés.

But below are some of my favourite iconic 
details that have really stood the test of
time and  luxury.

One of the most instantly recognisable emblems
in all of Chanel's accessories range is the recurring
Camellia flower.

Coco Chanel first fell in love with the Camellia after
reading Alexandre Dumas' 'La Dame Aux Camellias',
a story in which the heroine always wore a white 
Camellia as a reminder of her heart remaining pure.

Her personal love of the flower is clear to see in her
rue Cambon private apartment where Camellias feature
on chandeliers and stunning ornate screens.

Of course the Camellia flower is now in most of 
Chanel's jewellery/accessory designs.

Sometimes it is not only the product that becomes
iconic but also the packaging.

Most girls get excited when they are presented 
                                    with that little turquoise box (aka Tiffany & Co.) 
                                     but for me, 
nothing makes my heart race faster than seeing 
the bright orange box of HERMÉS.

The last time I squealed like a crazed piglet

But did you know that the famous orange box came about
after World War II due to a shortage of
the original material Hermés needed (mustard colored
boxes with brown edging!)

In 1994 Hermés received the Oscar for "packaging"for it's
folding orange boxes. 

Today there about 188 sizes of 
orange boxes which have become as iconic as their
Birkin or Kelly bags.

Finally, there is one bag brand that for me defines everything
that is understated quality and luxury and makes me
go weak at the knees every time:

Yes, their signature weave gets me into a flap
every time I see it.

Bottega Veneta (BV) was established in 1966 by Michele Taddel 
in Vincenza. BV developed a leather weaving technique called
"intecciato" that remains a signature of the brand.

My perfect bag!

So there you have some of my favourite, iconic
brands/detailing that I love.

I would love to hear which iconic brand/detailing
is top of you list.

As always I LOVE hearing from you

It Was Only A Table

Sep 26, 2016

Yes, you read that right.
It was "only a table" yet I was having 
a full on melt-down over it.
Why in God's name?

Let me explain.
When my beloved Dad passed away last
year I was responsible for clearing out my family/childhood
home. No problem I thought. There was so much clutter
it would be a breeze. 
As I am quite ruthless anyway when it comes
to clutter, I thought I would detach myself
from what each thing symbolised and just get on
with the clearing.

So the big clear-out started.

Finally after 9 months, there was
one more object to get rid of; the elephant in
the room that I wouldn't let anyone touch.

Our gorgeous wooden dining table.
I kept avoiding this piece and every time
my Husband broached the subject I moved
swiftly onto something else.

I just couldn't face getting rid of "the table".

Then one day the Heart Foundation were 
due to come and pick up this gorgeous table and
I just went into melt-down.
Honest to God the "ugly cry" was in full swing.

After much sobbing and sniffling, I
was able to explain to The Mr why?

You see that table had "heard" so many family conversations;
it felt like there was so much emotion and  history
stored in the very fabric of the table. It really was the 
"meeting place" for my family.

We sat at the table, as a family every single evening to have dinner.
The TV was switched off and we chatted over dinner every
single evening.
As we got older and started to lead our own lives, the one
non-negotiable was Sunday lunch.
Friends, boyfriends, waifs and strays were all invited.
But it was ALWAYS at our table.

So that table was "witness" (can you say that about an inanimate
object?) to discussions about everything, including some
of the most pivotal moments in my life:

*it's where we discussed how the day went or didn't go
*it's where I sat to do my school homework whilst under
my Mum's watchful eye
*it's where every Christmas happened
*it's where we discussed the merits of which
University to attend
*it's where I would sit and chat to my Mum about
the new boy who had stolen my heart 
* it's where a few histrionics were played 
out when "said boy" didn't even notice I existed.

*it's at the table where I introduced my Mum and
Dad to my really "serious"boyfriend who later went on 
to become my Husband

*it's the table where my Mum sat me down to tell
me she had cancer, but it would all be alright in the end …..
it never was

*it's the table where I sat for hours and hours asking my
younger self "why us" when my Mum finally passed away

*it's the table where I sat and listened to my Dad recalling
his and my Mum's love story (it really was the most
gorgeous love story which I had not appreciated).

*it's the table I sat at with my Dad as I told him I was
getting married, and watched his face light up 

*it's the table my Dad, I and my future Husband would
spread all the property details over when we went through 
which houses my Husband and I should be viewing

*it's the table I sat at when I broke the news to my Dad
that I was moving overseas

*it's the table I sat at when I came back 12 years later to
look after my Dad

*it's the table we sat at every lunch or dinner  time. The thought of my
Dad eating his meals alone would haunt me forever

*it's the table where everything seemed to come full circle
except this time it was my Husband and I having dinner with
Dad every evening telling him how the day had gone

*it's the table where I took the dreaded phone call
asking me to get to the hospital as soon as possible

*it's the table where I celebrated both my Mum and
Dad's life as we "broke bread" with close friends and family

This was my table.
This was my history.
This was the table was where some of the happiest
and saddest moments took place.

It was the table where some of the biggest 
most important decisions of my life were made.

It was the table where my tears of both happiness
and sadness had soaked into the wood.

This was MY table.

I couldn't possibly let someone
else take the keeper of my history.

"But it's just a table" my Husband kept saying.

No, it wasn't. 
This was more than just a table.
It felt like an old friend who listened to
everything, was there for support and
never interrupted one conversation.

Needless to say I still have the table.
It's all in storage carefully wrapped to preserve the 
gorgeous wood. 

I don't care that I may never be able to use the table
(it is huge) or ever want to use it.
But for now the wood of the table is seeped
in the history of my small family,
and I don't feel it should be anywhere else but with me.

I know it is only a table, but………….

Would love to hear you thoughts

Make A Statement (without opening your mouth).

Sep 12, 2016

Even though Autumn is my favourite season, it
can also be a bit tricky to dress for especially
here in the UK where you don't know from one day 
to the next what to wear (we are 
apparently going to be getting an Indian Summer this week!)
I won't be holding my breath though ;-)

However, one thing that never changes even when the
seasons do is how you can wear your jewellery
to uplift your mood.

Nikki Gewirtz (MD of Lola Rose) says,
make it "about bold designs and shapes; it's all
about what makes you feel confident. Whatever the 
season or climate accessories always work!"

So here are some delicious designs to 
wet your appetite.

Tory Burch
pendants, black Onyx, statement pendants, Fall, black jewellery, jewellery, Luxuria Jewellery,druzy
Gorgeous black onyx; as dark and mysterious as a Tom Ford perfume
Available here

pendants, statement pendants, Fall, black jewellery, jewellery, Lanvin
LANVIN: Altho' I must say it does look very similar to my curtain tie-backs 

pendants, statement pendants, Fall, black jewellery, jewellery, Narciso Rodriguez, statement necklaces
Narciso Rodriguez


The allure of deep, turquoise Mediterranean seas calls to you with this stunning pendant.

Available here

A great little cheat-sheet.
(But hey! if it looks good for you................go with it. Forget the rules). 

So do you think you will embrace the statement necklace
this season or are you SO over big, bold and bodacious?

As always would love to hear your thoughts

The List: What I've Loved This Month

Aug 29, 2016

OK, so we are already at the end of August
and the mere thought of the madness in the lead up
to Christmas makes me shudder just thinking about it
(even though I love Christmas).

As our senses are bombarded from
every angle, I thought it would be good to 
curate the things that made it into my life each 

So here goes:

OK so I joined a gym this month (the first time in about
20 years!!!!) I am NOT a gym bunny. I hate getting up early
to exercise (as I am a night owl, so getting up with the sun 
always proves difficult). But the Mr wanted to join a gym
now that we live in the country, and I thought
maybe having a gym buddy would help. So the Mr convinced
 me to join with him.
 I said yes, but it came with a condition…….these little beauties.

Adidas ZX Flux

Here's the thing. When they arrived, they looked so gorgeous that
they have not even made it to the gym. Instead my old Nike's are
accompanying me to the gym at 6am and these beauties are
now part of my daily staples ;-)

So still on this gym "adventure", I decided I needed some other
things to motivate me (the membership was clearly not enough ;-)

So next up I decided I needed these if I was going to
get anywhere on the treadmill.

These gorgeous rose-gold headphones are by Frends

OK, moving away from the gym and to beauty,
this new brand - Lulu's Time Bomb 
collection made it to my bathroom.

Time Bomb Complexion Cocktail

I am not a fan of celebrity products, but this
product has been amazing. It's by the lovely Lulu
(and if you are from the UK you will know who she is).

I had read that she used her ex-Husbands team (John Frieda
from John Frieda hair products) to help her with the formulas
for these products. As John Frieda products usually do exactly
what they say on the tin, I decided to give this H2O Omega 
cocktail a go.

OMG!!!!My skin just drinks it up and it smells divine (like
a tropical cocktail).
You only need a tiny bit and I must say my skin is glowing after using 
this for about 3 weeks.
I LOVE it.
I bought this and some other products in the range from QVC

OK, so back to my new headphones,
I have consequently started to really get into Audio books.
I know I am late to the party AGAIN, but I love physical books
so I never expected to bother with audio books. But I thought I 
would give audible a try, and now my audio books are what are also
keeping me company on my morning treadmill sessions.

Two books I listened to this month were:

I can highly recommend both books. I have them in
the physical versions also. But sometimes it's really useful
to go over what you may have read the day before in audible form.
It certainly helps me retain some of  what I have read.

Finally, as my country cottage slowly comes
together, I have become obsessed with monogrammed

As I slowly work my way through each room deciding
how I can incorporate them, these were added to my 
shopping basket this month.

Maybe it defeats the object by getting the monograms
done in the same colour as the linen, but I preferred
it. I ordered mine from here

That's it Lovelies.
Wishing you a wonderful week
