WInter Wishes

Firstly Happy New Year Lovelies.
I am a bit late to the party, but then I 
usually am.

So it's 2016, the festivities are over, and
all I seem to hear around me are people bemoaning
the fact that it's getting colder and colder (here in Europe)
after a very unusually mild December.

But here's the thing-I LOVE Winter.
It's supposed to be cold in January, isn't it?
Having lived in the Med for 14+ years 
where there never seemed to be any distinct 
seasons, I now love Winter.

I just love and wish for you also:

*wearing coats and layers (which
hide a multitude of sins underneath)

Rings and earrings here and here

*weekend lockdowns, when you can
refuse to go anywhere or see anyone and 
it's deemed perfectly acceptable

*cold, frosty walks that really rattle your bones
but make you feel so alive

*piles of crisp, new books

*atmospheric skies that look a tropical 
blue one minute and like Armageddon the

*the luxe of cashmere and cosy

Rings here

*simplicity on all levels

*first footsteps in freshly fallen snow

*walking in the rain

*receiving and writing thank you notes

*roaring fireplaces

*watching rain batter the window from
the safety of your own snug home

*the perfect hot drink at just the right time

But most of all I wish for you the
final realisation that……….


  1. Happy New Year to you as well! I love all of these beautiful photos and the last quote in particular.

  2. Love these cozy, wintry photos as I'm sweltering in front of a fan. :-) Happy New Year, lovely! XO

    1. Of course!!! Do you prefer Winter or Summer in Oz (I imagine Summers must be pretty hard going?)

  3. Oh, I so agree about the 'weekend lockdowns' enjoying one of those this weekend :)
    Have a lovely weekend, Vanessa xx

  4. Of all the seasons, Winter is my least liked. Love all the good you highlighted on and I do look forward to winter weekends where you can lay around in your jammies all day. xo


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