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The List: What I've Loved This Month

Aug 29, 2016

OK, so we are already at the end of August
and the mere thought of the madness in the lead up
to Christmas makes me shudder just thinking about it
(even though I love Christmas).

As our senses are bombarded from
every angle, I thought it would be good to 
curate the things that made it into my life each 

So here goes:

OK so I joined a gym this month (the first time in about
20 years!!!!) I am NOT a gym bunny. I hate getting up early
to exercise (as I am a night owl, so getting up with the sun 
always proves difficult). But the Mr wanted to join a gym
now that we live in the country, and I thought
maybe having a gym buddy would help. So the Mr convinced
 me to join with him.
 I said yes, but it came with a condition…….these little beauties.

Adidas ZX Flux

Here's the thing. When they arrived, they looked so gorgeous that
they have not even made it to the gym. Instead my old Nike's are
accompanying me to the gym at 6am and these beauties are
now part of my daily staples ;-)

So still on this gym "adventure", I decided I needed some other
things to motivate me (the membership was clearly not enough ;-)

So next up I decided I needed these if I was going to
get anywhere on the treadmill.

These gorgeous rose-gold headphones are by Frends

OK, moving away from the gym and to beauty,
this new brand - Lulu's Time Bomb 
collection made it to my bathroom.

Time Bomb Complexion Cocktail

I am not a fan of celebrity products, but this
product has been amazing. It's by the lovely Lulu
(and if you are from the UK you will know who she is).

I had read that she used her ex-Husbands team (John Frieda
from John Frieda hair products) to help her with the formulas
for these products. As John Frieda products usually do exactly
what they say on the tin, I decided to give this H2O Omega 
cocktail a go.

OMG!!!!My skin just drinks it up and it smells divine (like
a tropical cocktail).
You only need a tiny bit and I must say my skin is glowing after using 
this for about 3 weeks.
I LOVE it.
I bought this and some other products in the range from QVC

OK, so back to my new headphones,
I have consequently started to really get into Audio books.
I know I am late to the party AGAIN, but I love physical books
so I never expected to bother with audio books. But I thought I 
would give audible a try, and now my audio books are what are also
keeping me company on my morning treadmill sessions.

Two books I listened to this month were:

I can highly recommend both books. I have them in
the physical versions also. But sometimes it's really useful
to go over what you may have read the day before in audible form.
It certainly helps me retain some of  what I have read.

Finally, as my country cottage slowly comes
together, I have become obsessed with monogrammed

As I slowly work my way through each room deciding
how I can incorporate them, these were added to my 
shopping basket this month.

Maybe it defeats the object by getting the monograms
done in the same colour as the linen, but I preferred
it. I ordered mine from here

That's it Lovelies.
Wishing you a wonderful week


Monday Musing

Aug 22, 2016

I saw this quote on a Facebook page I follow (thank you Erin Kurt)
and I must say it really resonated with me.

Sometimes when I look back on what I desired years ago, I realise
now it would never have worked/made me happy etc 
because I am  not the person
I needed to be to obtain the desired goal at the time.

I think the biggest testament to this sentiment is running a business.
Every day you have new goals/ desires something new which seems constantly out of reach.
But once you get the "desired" goal, you realise you would never 
have appreciated it half as much if you didn't have to work for it, or if it came

Often the success is even sweeter when there is an 
"incubating" period; as if the Universe is just "checking"
you REALLY want it.

Is there something you desire more than
anything that just seems that little bit
unobtainable at the moment?

Are you still determined to get there or 
have you moved onto something else?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Have a lovely week Beautiful

Gorgeous Pieces To Show-Off Your Tan

Aug 8, 2016

I have been absent for about 1 month. Not because I was off
swanning in the sun but because I was still "entertaining" builders
in my home (not how I really wanted to spend the Summer). But I
have been telling myself it will be SO worth it .

So in the meantime I am dreaming about some of 
these pieces that will  look gorgeous on
dark or sun-kissed skin (for when I eventually
get to my tropical paradise ;-)

Carla Amorim Sleeping Beauty Earrings

Rose de Vents ring in 18ct gold with turquoise and diamonds
Price: £2,450/ $3,222

Irene Neuwith Turquoise and yellow gold earrings.
Price: £4,215 / $5,444

Price: £252/ $329

 A dome of stunning gemstone sitting proudly 
aloft the sultry and sensuous hues of a luxuriant 
chunk of black or white jade.
Price: £355 /$463

Pretty Wing 18ct gold and turquoise
earrings by Noor Fares
Price: £1835/$2,415

Channel your summer goddess with this
bit of arm-candy.
Price: £105/$137

Definitely on my wish-list.
Allegra ring by de Grisogono.
White gold, turquoise ceramic and
tsavorites gems.
Price: £8,900/$11,700

Capri necklace by Pomellato
in rose-gold with turquoise and rubies.
Price £2,070 /$2,722

However, these are more than beautiful rings gorgeous girls. 
Let me tell you why.
Black Jade: Regarded as the stone of protection. 
Also regarded as a "magical stone" by the Mayan and Aztec cultures 
White Jade: Helps direct energy to the most advantageous outlet. 
Helps also to filter out distractions.
So "look good whilst feeling good".
Price: £335.50/$438.24

That's it my Lovelies
That's my pick of how to bring out 
your sun-kissed skin.

Would love to hear which are your favourites
and also whether you specifically choose jewellery
to enhance your skin tone.
