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The Year Of……………..

Firstly Happy New Year Lovelies.

How quick did the Holidays fly by?

And now we are back in January.
A month that is full of possibilities, plans
hopes and dreams.

As always I have big dreams most of which
centre around "experiences" rather than things.

I have gone back to a practise I used to do when
I was a teenager and which worked liked magic
(more of which I will tell you in my next blog post).

I want this year to be about
a couple of things. One is to live
more in "the present". 

Without being too "woo-woo"
I do have problems living in the now. My mind
is either anxious about the way the future is going
to unfold and how I can control that
 or I am trying to rectifying something
that happened (or that I should
have done) in the past, and it's all futile.

So let me start with this month-January.

Yes, I am going to start new things and 
new practises, but there is NO RUSH.
I don't have to have it all figured out.
I don't have to have all my ducks in a row
before I take action.
I don't need perfection in my life.

I just need momentum.

 I am also going to continue enjoying
the warmth of open fires and "cosiness"
during the dark mid-Winters.
I am not going to become impatient
with the arrival of Spring. It always
comes, so why fret about it's arrival?

 I will continue relishing being indoors, 
cosy and snug.
Embracing the Danish way of doing things;
practising the "hygge" life.

I will allow my mind to wander without
snapping it back like a taut elastic band.

I will plot and plan adventures; for exploring
the unfamiliar. For learning new things and
meeting new people.

I will continue to experiment with conscious
living and just see where it takes me.

This is the year of no rush. As long as
I just put one foot in front of the other and keep 
moving forward the rest will take care of itself
…… always does ;-)

I would love to hear how you would like 2017 to be for you.


  1. Wow. What a insightful post and one I could really relate to--I stopped by to tell you how much I appreciated your thoughtful and supportive comment on my last post and here I am feeling like I'm connecting with you all over again on this topic. I think the best part of your 'plans for the new year are embodied in the last sentiments. The year of no rush. I'm so smitten with that idea! The no rushing part, because of course you're so right, we all get "There," the question is our state of mind in the process.
    thank you for being such a source of friendship and wisdom throughout the year, I wish you a peaceful 2017 filled with that special hygge kind of happiness. And lots of love and exciting things in your personal life as well as your work!
    You're such an inspiration to me Van.
    hugs from SoCalifornia,

    1. OMG Leslie!!! Your comments brought a tear to my eye because everything you have written I feel about you. You reached out to me when I lost my Dad and then continued to check-in with me, and for that I can never thank you enough. I wait for the day we can finally meet and I can give you that long-awaited HUG I so want to give you. You are a very special human being Leslie xxx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Your comments make my day!