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Winter Sun Inspiration

Jan 29, 2018

If you are jetting off to get some Winter sun,
then these might "inspire your attire".
If not, I hope they just add some colour to your day.

Ruffled dress by LoveShackFancy
The perfect accompaniment with these pearl tassel earrings here

Susannah Linen blouse by Olivia Ruben London
Earrings; beautiful in their simplicity.

Oh my God!!! I SO love this outfit for warm, balmy nights.
Top + trousers by Miguelina Gabbaccini.
Top: here   Trousers: here
All finished off  with the perfect earrings; dark and sultry as a Tom Ford scent.
Available here.

Gorgeous silk-crepon, one shoulder playsuit by Zimmermann
Stunning art-deco style earrings to add to your outfit

A white cotton-gauge jumpsuit by Caravana
(I would feel so fresh and cool in this).

The perfect bon-bons to accompany your white jumpsuit
(and seems to go with the bag also ;-)

That's it my friends.
Would love to know what you think
of my selected pieces and if you are 
off to catch some Winter sun.

Embracing Winter

Jan 18, 2018

Brrrrrrrr! It's bone-rattlingly cold
as I write this blog post.
But here's the thing. I LOVE Winter;
when all the festivities are over and it's
time to hunker down and wait for Spring.

Is that just me (because everyone I talk to
hates Winter!)?

I just love:

* cashmere comforts

*crispy pages of new journals awaiting
my goals and gratitude

* optimism and excitement for the next
12 months

* weekend lockdowns when it is deemed perfectly
acceptable to refuse to go anywhere or see anyone

*the sight and smell of new books and magazines
waiting to be devoured and savoured

* lazying and grazing (I am good at this. SO good!)

*cold frosty walks that rattle your bones and teeth

* hot, indulgent drinks that welcome you
back home

* big scarves

* cosy coats (that hide a multitude of sins ;-)

* pom-pom hats that are acceptable to the over
40's when brain freeze is imminent

* the crackling sound of logs burning

* reflections

*the darkness and stillness of early mornings

I love it all.

Is it just me that loves mid-Winter?
Would love to hear if you like Winter or are
hanging on by your Chanel painted finger-nails.


FAVES OF 2017!!

Jan 10, 2018

Firstly Happy New Year my friends.
I can't believe it is all over.
I hope whatever you did you were able
to unwind and enjoy time with loved ones.

OK, so for my first post of 2018, I thought
I would bring you some of my favourite finds
of 2017. 
None of these recommendations are affiliated.
They are all just products/apps etc that I came 
across and loved in 2017.

Ok, first up is audible. 
Now this may not be news to many of you
but I never thought I would use it.
I am a very slow reader; I get distracted easily when reading.
However, I love reading. I love the feel of a physical
book in my hand. But in 2017 I tried out audible.
I thought I could make use of it when cooking, doing things 
around the house. Walking in the countryside etc.
And guess what? I LOVED it. I tend to listen to non-fiction only
but I find in most cases I retain more. Even better is when I
then follow up with the book if it has really reeled me in.

Some of my fave audible books in 2017 were:
* You Are The Placebo- Dr Joe Dispenza
*Success Through Stillness- Russell Simmons
* Pitch Anything- Oren Klaff
Letting Go- Dr David Hawkins
Grit-The Power of Passion and Perseverance- Angela Duckworth

Next up is this daily green supplement by WellCo (the company
founded by Elle 'The Body' MacPherson).

We all need a helping hand sometimes and in 2017 my intentions were good,
but I often didn't follow up with my behaviour. I will admit I was naughty for
most of the week/months/year!! There I said it.

But this did help ensure I was getting a daily dose of goodness even if 
I did counteract it with all the junk I consumed.
Let's just say 2018 will be the year of "must try harder".

One of my fave finds of 2017 was this little beauty-

This little bottle became my new BFF. I mix one drop
with my moisturiser every day OR one drop in my
foundation or BB cream and I can't tell you the difference
it makes to the look and luminosity of the skin. I also
tried it with a budget moisturiser and it still looked fab
on the skin. So I am thinking maybe I don't waste money
on the really expensive creams and use a drop of this
with any moisturiser instead.
I will certainly be testing out that theory more in 2018.
My only word of advice is make sure you go for an
organic brand such as Inika.

Talking of BB creams. 2017 was the year I decided to give them a go 
(I know. I always seem late to the party). I tried quite a few expensive brands, none
of which impressed me. 

THEN I read about one by Body Shop. Their version
is supposed to adapt to your skin tone and give 24 hour hydration.
As I didn't have to sell a kidney to buy it, I thought I would give it a go.
Let me tell you, this is fabulous. It really does adapt to your skin tone and
give you this gorgeous glow. It does have a slight grainy texture
which I think is what buffs the skin to give it a luminous look.
I love it and use it most days when there
is no danger of me frightening the neighbors (because I don't have any
make-up on). This was definitely one of my best buys of 2017.

Next up is an app called Water Drink Reminder.

Now as I said above. I wasn't that scrupulous about
my health in 2017 and one thing that always fell by the wayside
was the amount of water I  drank during the day.
So this little app really helped me keep up the intake.
It allows you to: * track your intake
*gives suggestions based on your weight/activity level
* lets you receive reminders which you can also link to your
wrist fitness monitors.

All in all, it does what it says on the tin. But more than
that I could see a difference in my skin and hair when I really
committed to drink the required amount of water DAILY (that's 
the key. Not just when you over-indulged in your alcoholic
beverages ;-)

Finally to end I am going to introduce you to my first faves
of 2018. These gorgeous Tahitian pearl rings are now
in my boutique. Let me tell you these will lift any outfit.
If you like French classic with a twist, then you will love
these. They come in solid  yellow gold (not-plated!), rose gold

That's it my loves.
I would love to hear your thoughts on any of your faves of 2017.
If you want to read about some of my other finds in 2017, you can read them