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Forget Hygge. It's All About Umbuntu!

Apr 3, 2020

As most of you know, I am of South African heritage and you can read more about my great grandmother who was a Gemologist here.
But there is one word that South Africans (of older generations) always declare and that is "Umbuntu". 
The meaning is "I am, because of you". and nowhere are we seeing this more than right now.
It's a recognition that we are all connected in ways that may be invisible to the eye; there is a oneness to humanity that we achieve by sharing with others, something we are seeing daily on all media platforms. How "sharing is caring" is showing up more than ever. From big cooperations to the smallest independent businesses, everyone is reaching out a helping hand.
We can see people both young and old, family, friends and strangers all finding ways to be more there for each other during these testing and very strange times. 
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, (as presented in the American psychologist’s five-tier pyramid), he suggests that love and belonging are essential to our survival.
I shall leave that thought with you.
Stay safe Lovely!