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Silver Linings

Sep 24, 2020

Hello my friends!

What a very long time it has been.
In that time so much has happened, I can't even begin.

One of the worst was losing someone very close to me during this
first part of the pandemic.

It was such a shock and I still don't believe it has happened.
Not being able to attend a funeral (only virtually) just makes it
all feel like a dream.

I also know so many people that have suffered terrible, terrible things
whether it be related to the pandemic or otherwise.

Have there been any silver linings then?

Well I have been desperately trying to keep
busy and my business has been chugging along nicely.

During lockdown I decided to make some Liberty print masks using
a 3D pattern. I started to make them for family and friends as little unexpected 
surprises that they would receive. 

Then it all went crazy, and then friends of friends, of
friends wanted to know how they could buy them.

And so an addition was born.

See more here

Liberty London, face coverings, masks

Me and my mask (excuse my wind-blown hair!)

But here is why I made them:

* the disposable mask were damaging my skin. I have never suffered with
skin breakouts even in my teens, and here I was suffering with it now.

* the black masks, along with my black hair made me look like I 
about to commit some terrible crime.

*I could never talk with the disposable masks on; they would either start to slip
down my face and try to strangle me, or I just found it impossible to breathe.

So a new idea was born.

So why Liberty fabric?

Liberty London fabric, liberty print,

So those that know me, or have followed me for some time know I have a deep affinity
with Liberty London. 
Both my Mum and Godmother were Buyers for Liberty in the 70's and 80's. 
So whenever I have to choose fabric for anything, Liberty is my first choice.
The quality is fabulous.

My mask even made it onto the golf course of Marbella, Spain.

So why do I feel my masks stack up against the others?

*these are made in authentic Liberty London 100% cotton.

*they are made with 4 layers of fabric (the medical recommendations).

*100% quality cotton means your skin can still breathe. You won't get mask acne/bad skin with these on.

* they stay up; they don't slip off the face, because of the inner flaps which go over the nose and over the chin (see below) 

* you can speak perfectly and clearly with them on.

The best thing about them?

International shipping is free at the moment.

So if you fancy learning more, pop over here where you will

also see all the fabric choices (and more will be added).

So there you have it, something good that came out of this crazy time.

Here in the UK lockdown measures seem to be continuing at least until

the Spring. So I think it is going to be a long old Winter.

To end her are some lovely Autumn pieces to bring some sparkle to your day.

autumn accessories, acorns, acorn earrings, Autumnal

hoops, hoop earrings, leaf design, statement earrings


Autumn accessories, fall earrings, fall accessories, oak leaves, autumn leaves, Autumnal,

Do drop me a line and let me know how you have been, how you

have been coping and any silver linings that have come your way.

Big hugs as always.