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Hairbands Are Having Their Moment

May 9, 2023

 Well, if you watched last weekends Coronation, one thing you would have seen was this.

Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte Wearing Silver Hairbands

I don't know about you but I absolutely loved this, especially the mini-me version on Princess Charlotte.

BUT can you wear headbands and hair accessories over 40, and for every day rather than just weddings and events?

I am going to say a resounding YES!!! Let me explain why.

I use headbands quite a lot just to keep my hair back, in-between cuts or even in-between washes if truth be told.

I think for every day a thin headband can really look lovely and pull your outfit together, if your other accessories are more minimal.

I have heard it said that more structured designs rather than floppy are better as you get older. I don't agree however. Scarves as headbands give a really lovely boho vibe.

My biz mentor/crush HollyTucker MBE (and the founder of Not On The High Street), wears the most amazing head accessories and they are nearly always fabric. 

I wish I knew how to tie a scarf like here. Her hair accessories and colours always make me feel so happy.

Holly Tucker MBE Business Mentor
Holly Tucker

As said, headbands can just be a great way to keep longer hair tidy and can subsequently become your signature look.

silver fern headband worn on a model
Silver Fern Headband Here

Gold floral headband worn with long hair
Chrysanthemum Gold Headband Here

One person who wears her head-bands like a Queen is the fashion stylist and influencer Tamera Beardsley She is proof that you can wear a hairband at any age and look incredible. There is nothing juvenile about the way she wears her hairbands. She owns it!!!

Gold textured hairband worn by woman

woman wearing black and pearl head b and with black statement ring
Ring here

So there you have it, my "humble" take on hairbands/headbands.

Tell me below, are you a headband fan?

Might you consider it now, if never before? 

As always I love to hear from you in the comments

Until next time


p.s If you want to see my full range of hairbands, just pop here.