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Did you know....................

Did you know that the people who are usually the strongest
are usually also the most sensitive? 

Did you know that the one who takes care of others all the time is
usually the one who needs care the most?

Did you know that the people who exhibit the most kindness
are usually the first to be mistreated?

Do you know that the three hardest things to say are: I love you,

I’m sorry, and Help me? 

Random acts of kindness mean more than you will
ever be able to comprehend.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, filled with kindness and......
chocolate ;-)

Wishing you nothing but joy and random acts
of kindness.

How do you plan to find your joy this week?


  1. I know... I know... I know... :-)

    I'm a sensitive soul that needs lots of love and pretends to be strong. Hehe...

    Thank you for such a nice post, Vanessa! I've truly enjoyed it.

    Hope you had a nice Easter and plenty of chocolate!


  2. Hi Vanessa, I love this post (ha! I love them all) this is so true. I too am a sensitive person, but over the past few yrs. I have learned to get a little stronger. Your right kindness is contagious, and I wish it came in a bottle so I could put a few drops of it in some peoples water. LOL We had a nice Easter, lots of chocolate bunnies left over from Amanda's basket. I find myself sneaking into that basket often. I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts
    Dee xoxo

  3. I completely agree with all of these quotes. I have always been labelled a sensitive person (or "a sensitive child" when I was younger)....everyone would say "you're so sensitive" whenever I would get emotional or react to something, but now I say, YAH I AM. DEAL WITH IT! LOL I think that's the issue with people who peg sensitive people...they CAN'T deal with it themselves and are cowards about facing their emotions and feelings. I think sensitivity IS a strength.

    That said, I have become much stronger especially as I get older. I don't take much guff these days.

    1. You are so right. I think it's one of the great things that comes with age; acceptance of who we are xx

  4. This is beautiful and oh so true! I can definitely relate :)

    Hope you're having a great week, sweetie! xoxo

    1. TYSM Dawn. Hope you had a wonderful, choc-filled Easter xx

  5. This is just what I needed after having "one of those days" full of annoying people and stressful situations. Let's just say that my day started with me dropping something heavy on the big toe I broke last month....and that's been the high point!!But I feel better now after your lovely soothing post. Dr. Vanessa, thank you!

    1. So pleased you my blog post soothes your aching toe ;-) It's my objective as we are all just fighting to survive (most days!).

  6. This is one of those posts that just makes you feel so good! like a hug ... thank you!
    Have a pretty day!

  7. Hi sweetheart, hope you had a great Easter break. I'm reading each line and nodding to's all so true. especially the first line, those who act tough are actually really soft-natured inside. You're so right about the random acts of kindness too...we all need that sometimes. thanks for another beautiful post!

    1. TYSM Sweets. I'm pleased it resonated with you. Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Do you have choc eggs in SA?xx

  8. Wow, Vanessa, so much inspiration all of the quotes!!

  9. Thank you so much for this, Vanessa. I really, really needed these words tonight. :-) I have found joy in cuddling with my man, working with a new puppy sleeping in my lap, watching interesting documentaries and reading good books in bed. :-)

  10. Such a lovely post, Vanessa.
    I love the first very true.
    Beautiful inspirational post....thank you.
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. TYSM for spending your precious time over on my humble blog xx

  11. I love all these photos and quotes Vanessa. So true in what you say in all of them but the one that resonates with me is that "staying in love" is truly special.

    Thank you for your wonderful words of kindness sweetie!

    1. TYSM for popping by Reese. I LOVED your post this week and am going to e.mail you to ask if you know where I can buy one of those sayings xx

  12. Loved this post! I can totally relate with each and every quote... Thanks for sharing these with us!

    Having a crazy week, can't believe i've been vegan for almost a whole week! Eek!

    Will be working the Easter weekend which is a bit rubbish, but I get to spend it with family, yay!

    Have a lovely rest of the week and a beautiful weekend gorgeous gal!

    1. Congrats on your vegan-conversion. I look forward to reading more about it on your blog perhaps ;-)

  13. LOVELY PICS:)That old couple quote is on my fav quotelist:) I really like your blog and will happily follow.
    If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great weekend.

    LOVE Maria at

    1. TYSM Maria for stopping by. I will certainly pop over to see your blog as I LOVE Swedish style xx

  14. I am very behind this week, but you have certainly showcased some uplifting photos. Love the animals, and the first photo, actually.

    Hope you've had a good week.

    1. Me too Leigh. Desperately trying to catch-up too, so really appreciate you popping by xx

  15. SO beautiful! I;m a new follower...please come visit me, if you can, for a look at my week...♥♥

    1. TYSM for popping over and following. I will certainly pop over to yours xx

  16. Wow ... Vanessa I'm really speechless ... I'm so incredibly emotionally impressed by this old lady. Not only because she's playing the same piano pieces as I do so that watching this video I saw myself in the future but also because she is absolutely admirable! She shows the absolute final inner beauty. I want to be exactly like her in my future. She really is a great example to be totally optimistic, kind-hearted with this awesome inner peace although all these cruel things has happend to her and her son. Yes this video made me cry ... thankful for this moment watching her and learning this lesson. Yes, and I really will play the Moonlight Sonate tomorrow as she did ... and as I did all the times before but with a big smile on my face ... the old lady in my mind. Thank you Vanessa for this awesome blog post! xoxo

  17. wooooow qué nivel de blog... me ha encantado, sabía que no me iba a defraudar por el blog en que solemos concurrir... dust jacket¡¡

    un bs y a blogguear¡¡¡¡

  18. Thank you for the wonderful images and sentiments.


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