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It's that time of the year again 
when we burst into the New Year with
renewed vigour, new visions........
new dreams

But if you are anything like me, you know that
by the end of January those very same 
visions, dreams, goals will have been completely
diluted to fit in with someone else's vision, or 
would have been abandoned altogether

Sometimes we have to keep our dreams and visions sacred
until our resolve, decisions, goals are not feeling
so wobbly, timid or fragile.

Sometimes we have to give our dreams time to grow, to
become strong and solid before we share our vision.

Just remember:

Oprah was demoted from her job as a news
anchor because she "wasn't fit for television".
She didn't let that affect her dreams

Steve Jobs was left devastated when at age 30
he was unceremoniously removed from the
company that he started.
He didn't let that affect his dreams

Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper
for "lacking imagination" and "having no original ideas".
He didn't let that affect his dreams

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school 
basketball team.
He didn't let that affect his dreams

So my lovelies, don't let someone else
snatch away your dreams.

Let 2013 be the year you allow your dreams to
grow and become strong and solid.

YOU know when your vision feels right. 

Don't let outside opinions muddy your vision,
information overload overwhelm you
or the judgements of others add doubt to your mind

Let 2013 be the beginning of something exciting,
something you've dreamt about for a long time.

No-one says you have to achieve huge things this year.

But if you just take one step............
that will be enough

Happy 2013 Lovelies 

p.s the lovely Alex Howells (Ireland)
won our subscribers December  draw
Sara Ferreras (from Spain) was picked for the November draw 
(awaiting photos from both)
So don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter 
(top right of this page) and be entered into January's draw 


  1. Darling V, Happy New Year to you! May 2013 be truly amazing and filled with good health, happiness, love and laughter!

    I need to stop dreaming so much and get cracking is what I need to do! Lovely post... It's good to remember that some have lost everything, only to fight back for it...

    1. Happy New Year Sweets. You can stop dreaming as you know you have wonderful things happening in 2013 ;-) xx

  2. Hi Vanessa, hope you've had a wonderful new years. Thanks for beginning it with such beautiful inspiration, which I really needed to hear. I particularly loved the line..."Sometimes we have to give our dreams time to grow, to become strong and solid before we share our vision'" This makes so much sense to me know. I will try and remember to keep on dreaming and never to give up on them.

    1. Keep dreaming Sweets. Every single thing in this world started as a dream/idea. A life without dreams is just an existence ;-) xx

    2. I like how you phrased that last part...I thought I had lost my ability to dream once but thanks to blogging and meeting other inspiring people like yourself here, I am re-inspired :)

  3. Thank you so much for these inspiring words, darling! JUST what I needed this morning. :-) I love the idea of keeping our dreams sacred until they are strong enough to stand tall on their own. :-)

    1. My pleasure Krista. Wishing you wonderful dreams for 2013 xx

  4. Happy New Year dearest Vanessa!!! Your post - words , photos is SPEAKING volumes to me ... and I'm LISTENING .... 2013 a new age is emerging and with it a new me! I'm beyond excited. May 2013 be filled with abundant blessings, good fortune, excellent health and all that you need to live your BEST LIFE yet!!! xo C. (HHL)

  5. That's right!! One step at a time .. Patience and hope.

    Wishing you the best in 2013!!

  6. A very timely reminder, Vanessa. Everyone who's ever achieved anything worthwhile had setbacks and rejections - it's how you respond to these knocks that defines you and dictates future success. Wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful and joyful New Year!

  7. Happy New Year Vanessa - I hope this year is a fantastic one for you!

  8. Great reminder. We all get knocked down occasionally, it's picking yourself up and moving forward that builds character.
    I'm quite a character after 2012 :-)

  9. Thank you so much for this Vanessa. I'm sitting in a cafe waiting while hubby completes a very important business meeting that will mean so much in moving forward this year. Just needed to hear someone say - hang on to the dream! The most perfect words to hear right now.

    1. I am so pleased it came at the right moment J. My fingers are crossed for you. And remember if it doesn't happen in the way you want it too, it's because something better is just around the corner xx

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Thank you for your kind stylish comment, yes I do hope we get to meet this year as well!

  12. great blog. wanna follow each other?

  13. very inspiring!

    Would you like to play the role of a stylist?

    The link below will tell you what to do!

  14. Hello Vanessa

    A wonderful and positive post. As your new follower I look forward to more and will welcome your visit and comments


  15. I really needed this, and I agree that you must let dreams grow strong inside your heart before sharing them with people who might induce you to desist. Stop by if you like, I tagged you for the Liebster award. I really love your blog. Kisses Coco

  16. I don't know what it is but 2013 WILL BE my year. I feel it already. 2012 was tough, which means 2013 can only be better! :) Happy New Year!

  17. this is such a beautiful post... wishing you a beautiful 2013!!!

  18. Hi Vanessa, I love your positive thinking. Great post as always. I wish you a wonderful 2013! I am trying to keep positive thoughts for this year myself.I'm always telling my've got to have goals even if there small, you've got to have them. Goals keep you going. Hope you have a blessed new year. xoxo

  19. Fabulous post Vanessa...I'm looking forward to 2013 new dreams, new creations....wishing you a wonderful 2013.

  20. Thanks for dropping by Vanessa...that's strange that you haven't been receiving my posts; I hope your blogroll will be showing me soon ;-)

  21. "Sometimes we have to give our dreams time to grow, to become strong and solid before we share our vision." Love this sentence!!! =]

  22. Thanks for the inspiration, I really needed that! Have a great weekend!

  23. Oh wow; What an inspiring post!!
    Tank you for your visit at my blog, it makes me solo happy!
    Welcome back ;)

    And a Hood start to you too

  24. Hi Vanessa, thanks so much for your comments, I wanted to mention to you that you are one of those people who have inspired me as i reflected in my Friday Frills. Your posts are so positive and meaningful, I always feel uplifted straight after reading them

  25. Such a beautiful post, Vanessa! Even though I've really been focused on staying focused this year, sometimes it's easy to get distracted by all the things that need to be done right. this. moment. Those things can cause us to put our dreams on the back burner. My goal this year is to accomplish one main goal, the rest of what I'm working on is just a bonus. I work better when I'm not trying to juggle too many balls in the air at once. Thank you for this lovely reminder that I'm seeing at Day 11. Lord, help me to stay on track and not waste time on all that is unimportant and unnecessary!

  26. this was so inspirational! i totally agree with you- sometimes yo have to keep your dreams under wraps till you have them figured out and you're strong enough not to give up on them. and i had no idea all those famous people failed at first! that just shows you :)

  27. Wow what a nice post, thank you so much. It's really inspiring <3

  28. Hi Vanessa! I hope you had a lovely Christmas Break! I just have to say - what a beautiful post. All of these people are so inspiring in that they have overcome odds and we all need to be reminded of that. Nothing great comes easy. Thank you sweetie. I will keep this in mind when I start feeling weak and unsure about my goals.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  29. This is an excellent post with inspiring sayings! Glad to have found you!


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