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All Things Easter + Chocolate

Mar 28, 2013

My first Easter in the UK for 12 years
and despite the freezing temperatures
I can't stop salivating at all the choc treats

Choc + shoes. How much better does it get?

Fabergé egg necklaces
Gorgeous Fabergé egg necklaces

chocolate diamond ring
Chocolate diamond and Pearl ring by Werner Aerts

Janet Leiber Fabergé Egg bag

How original are these chic jewelry designs

Chocolate Guccis

Chocolate coloured Gucci's. Does it get
any better girls?

chocolate diamonds

Chocolate diamond ring

Estelle Ring with chocolate coloured stone

Our gorgeous Estelle ring which
has stunning chocolate stones 

Warning to Husband ;-)

What are your plans?
Somewhere hot or cold?
Lots of chocs or not?

Happy Easter Lovelies

Spreading Her Wings

Mar 19, 2013

Who would have thought!

The ex Mrs Cruise seems to have found her
wings as she models for H.Stern jewelry

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry

The emancipation of Katie Holmes has seen her moving from
cosetted (and sometimes dowdy-sorry!) movie stars wife.......

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry sultry, sexy, single working mother.

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry

She is the face of H.Stern's new Iris Collection; a collection inspired by
the sea (hence the semi-naked sultry shots).

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry

She follows in the footsteps of Kate Moss and
Catherine Deneuve, with the jewelry house
set to open a new store in London's
famous Sloane Street.

Katie Holmes and H.Stern Jewelry

So what do you think?
Yay or nay?

Is this a finger up to "The Cruise" saying
"look at me now"?

Would love to hear you thoughts

Make a Statement

Mar 13, 2013

A jewellery trend that is continuing through
to this Spring and Summer is the chunky
statement necklace

statement bib necklace

It really lightens up your complexion and brings a 
sparkle back to you eyes (and who doesn't need that
every now and then) especially if the
statement necklace has a mix of pearls, beads
crystals and whatever takes your fancy.

statement bib necklace

A bib statement necklace that starts at the collarbone
can also disguise sun damage to the décolletage.

diamond statement necklace

If you are a "voluptuous" girl then I not only
envy you, but a short, chunky necklace
can refocus.
We really don't want any pendants disappearing down
a cleavage ravine ;-)

statement necklace by Luxuria Jewellery Boutique

Longer necklaces that dangle off the cliff of your
boob area is a real no-no, even if they are your 
late great grandmothers pearls, or a "find" 
you brought back from Thailand.
Don't go there.

chunky, statement pearl necklace by Dior

statement bib necklace in gold-Luxuria Jewellery Boutique

chunky necklace

statement necklace-Luxuria Jewellery Boutique

What do you think? Have you been brave enough
to wear a chunky statement bib necklace?

Is there an age-limit to when you should stop
with the chunky statements.

Would love to hear your views as always 

Never Too Late

Mar 6, 2013

Being a bit of an analyzer also
means I can be a procrastinator ;-)

Constantly debating whether I should
or shouldn't.
This is turn usually leads to the question
"is it too late to.............."

Here are some of my fav quotes that remind me
it's never too late.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been"
(George Eliot)

OK, so maybe it is too late for me to don a tutu and start 
pirouetting around the house.

But here's the thing.
Transformation can occur at any time.

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood"
(Tony Robbins)

Isn't it amazing how our inner drama queen
thrives on childhood angst ;-)

Sometimes I too can let my drama queen take centre
stage and channel my Ophelia (or Greta Garbo as 
Hubs says)

Allow your childhood memories to surface.
Just fast-forward any emotionally charged times
and savour the joyous, fun times.

"It's never too late to start heading in the right direction"
(Seth Godin)

Don't worry about the end result or bigger picture.
Just take the first steps in the right direction.

"The time for action  is now. It's never too
late to do something".
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

"In the end you are the only one who can make
yourself happy. More important..... it is
never too late to find out how to do it".
(Ruth Reichl)

Are you a procrastinator? Do you believe it's never too
late to achieve your objectives/goals or do you have
your own internal deadlines?

Would love to hear your views
