Because there are so many hours in the day........
because we are only human............
because we can't be everywhere, to everyone all the time,

One day I will arrive here ;-)

we have to make choices.
Sometimes we just have to say NO, or
just walk away

Frigiliana/Spain. Can't tell you how many times
I walked these cobbled lanes.

But what you are really doing by saying NO, is allowing
space for saying YES; yes to the things that mean
more to you, are more important for you.
Leaving room for the things that matter more.

So please lets allow ourselves the choice
of saying no to those things that are not working
for us.

It will be OK. In fact "choosing" is a brave thing to do.

Remember you get to choose.
You get to decide.


So have you said NO recently?
How did it go down?
Do you find it difficult to say no and
so ending up saying yes instead?

p.s I often get asked about how I select my images. 
Let me be perfectly honest
with you. There is no method in my madness; 
no special themes, no artistic order (unless
I'm doing a product post only).
I simply select images that make me smile or
resonate with me on that day.


p.p.s please don't forget to subscribe to
our mailing list form; on the right in the sidebar,
or on our website


  1. Oh I do have trouble saying no, I always manage but only just and always feel so stressed before and after.

    1. That surprises me Tabs. Never saw you as a woman who would have trouble saying no ;-)
      Hope you are well Sweets xx

  2. I'm not sure what I love more about this, the images or the message. Oh, that photo w/ the pillows took my breath away. Yes, I say no more often now that I'm older - and I don't feel guilty about it. xo

    1. Yes Debby.Maybe It's something that does come with age. Thank you for stopping by x

  3. I have a hard time saying no. I am definitely a people pleaser, not something I am thrilled about being. I am better about saying no now that I am older but it's still a struggle.
    Lovely images and great earrings!

  4. Thank you Adrienne for stopping by. Yes like you I think it comes with age. I'm still a work in progress ;-) xx

  5. That use to be hard for me. Not anymore. I tell people NOOOOOO all the time. LOL And in different ways! Ooooh, nice earrings!

  6. I don't say No nearly often enough. Your wise words always make me think x

  7. Thanks for popping by so I could find your gorgeous blog! You are a psych criminologist? - how very cool! and I want to be sauntering down the stairs to the blue water right now

  8. I think it's common for women to have a difficult time saying no. We try to do it all and I don't think we can do EVERYTHING perfectly .. or perhaps we need to simply narrow things down. Maturity and personal growth allows us to have the confidence to speak up:) Beautiful pictures and wonderful post Vanessa!


    1. Thank you Leslie. I think also there is still an attitude of if a man says no he is seen as strong and assertive. If a woman says no, she is just being a bitch ;-)

  9. I HAVE said no recently and I can't get over how much better and more enjoyable my life is. :-) Mostly I've had to say no to the conditioned thoughts in my head that I need to do/be/perform etc to be enough. I AM enough, all by myself. :-) My mantra this month is "I don't 'have to' ANYTHING." I get to choose. I love this post. :-) xo

  10. That's great advice! These images are lovely - difficult to choose a favourite but the photo of Frigiliana brought back happy memories of our visit there several years ago. I can just imagine sitting with a book amongst those roses too - perfect!

    1. Thank you so much missb. Rare to find someone who has found the tiny village of Frigiliana. We found it about 20 years ago when the tourists didn't know it even existed xx

  11. Oh, Vanessa I agree with your every word...I really should have learnt at my age to say NO...I'm getting there...s l o w l y!
    LOVE the last quote.
    Great post, as always.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Catherine. Trust me I too am a work in progress ;-)

  12. Yes so very true Vanessa. I can say that age has made me a bit wiser and I have learned not spread myself so thin. I just wish it didn't take so long to learn these things. I often hear older people say...."if I could go back and know what I know now". Boy, if that isn't the truth! Always a great post Vanessa.
    Dee xoxo

  13. Thanks for this beautifully inspiring post, your words are profound and so true, I always find it so hard to say no to anything and its something I need to work on.

    1. Pleased it resonated with you Sam. Have a lovely week xx

  14. Amazing earrings Vanessa! You are right, we must learn to say no, sometimes to people we love so much as to drain our energy with their demands :-)
    Coco et La vie en rose
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  15. A beautiful post... all the way through. I love saying no... frees up ability to say yes to what you do want.


  16. Your blog is really lovely, and your photos are simply divine.

  17. It's been a while since I said no to someone and I have to admit that with the added pressure of my move, it's starting to take a toll. Here's my little reminder to claw back time for myself!

  18. Thank you for this inspirational post. It is exactly what I needed to read today.

  19. What a lovely post Vanessa! I did make me think. The streets you´ve wandered in Spain looks like the small streets in Marbella and its mountain villages where I have spent 20 summers. xo Caroline


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