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I Wish For You………...

Dec 21, 2013

It's that time again where I would
like to wish all my wonderful
blog friends a fabulous holiday season

More than expensive gifts, excessive indulgence, food comas
(all the things we really love).
I wish for you to just savor every minute.
Egg nog cupcakes

I wish for you to just lose yourself in the moment, 
whether it be in the hustle and bustle of a big family Christmas 
or in the tranquility of enjoying your own company; just be present.

I wish that you don’t worry about the next thing on your list, 
the next shiny object or the next place you have to be. 

I wish you the realization (amongst all the noise that invades 
our lives) that NOW is all we have.
Louboutin Christmas Tree

And I hope you enjoy it for what it is and make 2014 
the year you take this forward into your daily lives 
by savoring the moments that really count ;-)
Waiting for Santa

Sending each and every one of you
"holiday hugs"
Thank you  as always for being by my 
side in this very humble space  where I
cry, vent, rant……but always sparkle ;-)

p.s don't get caught napping like this little angel.
Do visit our first ever sale which starts on
Boxing Day (all details above in header)

p.p.s I am featured in the Rich Girls Club latest blog post. Pop over and 
see the most extravagant thing on my Santa list and the story behind it

What Have You Asked Santa For?

Dec 16, 2013

OK Lovelies.
Thought it would be nice to share what is
on our Santa list.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not
"expecting" all of these, but I
like to give Santa a clear idea ;-)

Quick but authentic Italian cooking by the lovely
Gino D'Acampo

I am not a great Nigella fan (even more so after 
reading all about her cocaine escapades).
BUT Hubs has been watching
her cooking series and making a list of 
which recipes he wants me to try (maybe I should
just buy the damn book for him!)

I love Tom Kerridge's food and love going
to his gastro-pub in Buckinghamshire
even more, especially as it is
the only gastro-pub to be awarded 2 Michelin stars

Jimmy Choo bag.
I've promised Santa I will never 
ask for another bag if he brings me this ;-)

My favorite Winter perfume- Zen by Shiseido

A Jimmy Choo passport holder. 

A new camera for taking product photos.
OK, I know it's not the most sophisticated camera
but I've only just about mastered working the microwave,
(don't even ask me how the Sky Box works).
So lets not push my technical 
mental  capacity and
keep it simple-eh?

NARS Velvet Lip Crayon

I just LOVE this gorgeous cushion

Bulgari White Gold Ring

OK, now I know I am "pushing it" a bit, but let me explain.
Santa bought me this white gold Bulgari ring a few years ago.
I LOVED it and it never left my hand…..except it did.
Last year I accidentally left it in a hotel bathroom.
I took it off to wash my hands, then was so
busy moisturizing with the lush cream I walked 
out without the ring. I didn't even realize
until I got home much later that night :-(
Santa's helper was not happy with me, which is why
I say I am "pushing it" asking for another-but you never know ;-)

So would love to hear what's on your Santa list,
whether it be what you really must have, or
just your wishful thinking.
However small, however ridiculous, however
big, do share ;-)


p.s don't forget to sign up to our mailing list 
(just in the right side bar) if you want early access, 
and a higher discount for our first EVER sale.
You have to sign up to get the Hot List "treatment" ;-)

This December I Wish For You………..(part 2):

Dec 10, 2013

This month I continue to wish
for you………….sparkles.

That sparkle in your eye when you catch that
camera-less moment you didn't expect.

The courage to be bold and to sparkle
wherever and whenever you wish

NEW: Gorgeous Cara

So how are you about sparkling?
Do you shy away from sequins?
Do you like to go BOLD and make a statement 
with what you wear this holiday season, or do you
prefer to just blend into the atmosphere?

What's your statement piece going to be this 
holiday season?
Will it be sparkly?

As always love hearing your views

This December I Wish For You……………….(Part 1)

Dec 2, 2013

This month I know there is a BIG day
looming ahead, but I wish for you…………..

Cosy places to recharge and enjoy the moment

Places to spend ALL day and not feel
remotely guilty

Cosy Coats

Tom Ford

Creativity and color

Hot calorie-laden drinks that warm your insides

Or drinks that make YOU sparkle

And if all else fails………………...

Apart from the obvious families and food comas,
what are you most looking forward too this month?
