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This Christmas I Wish For You……………….

Dec 22, 2014

My God, I can't believe how quickly the BIG DAY is 
nearly upon us. I hope you didn't get too
wrapped up in the manic-ness of it all.

This Christmas I really wish for you:

* the joy of being able to really kick
back and enjoy the moment

*the joy of not worrying about perfection, but
instead knowing that it will all turn out
OK in the end (so what
if you forgot the cranberry sauce. That is not
what you will remember most in 5 years time ;-)

*the joy of no more to-do lists

*the joy of being with the ones that really matter
(not necessarily those you feel you have to be with ;-)

*the joy of seeing the happiness YOU give to others

*the joy of  belly laughs, tears of happiness and
child-like wonder

*the joy of making time to steal those kisses and cuddles
with your loved ones

* the joy of making fab memories that will
stay with you long after the wrapping has all been thrown
and your Instagram feed has moved on ;-)

* the joy of  receiving (some of us find it difficult to
receive gifts, compliments, surprises……..anything. 
Sometimes we areso focused on the giving, 
that we forget it is OK to
accept and be pampered also.

*the joy of candle-lit lunches and dinners 
(food always seems to taste better in candle-light).

*the joy of  slushy Christmas films 

*the joy of finding quiet moments to reflect and soak 
it all in

*the joy of "no technology" days

Finally I would like to thank you for always
being at my side in this humble space I call 
my blog. I am not a writer and sometimes
find it difficult to come up with anything of value.

So I appreciate every single one of you who make
time to visit. I know how "time-starved" we all are,
so it means even more to me to think I have people
even reading my ramblings ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and
nothing but the best for 2015.

Year by year it's all unclear, but day
by day we WILL  find a way.


Give Yourself This Gift (it only takes 35 minutes)!

Dec 18, 2014

OK, I know tis' the season to be jolly, and the 
last think you want to be thinking about is anything
negative BUT this interview
popped into my Inbox this week 
and it literally

I want to ask you to give yourself
the gift of just 35 minutes and listen to this interview.

It will make you SO angry (especially the
first 10 minutes where she discloses something
about how our medical system works, that left
me truly flabbergasted) but I hope it will empower you.

Even if you do nothing with the information you
hear, and just allow it to "incubate" until the
New Year, I BEG YOU to please listen to this.
As some of you know (who have been reading my blog
a while), I lost my Mum to cancer at the age of 48.

I have lost friends also, and I am sure some of 
us know of families who will be spending
this Christmas without someone they lost 
to the BIG C this year.


I know my family will be doing back-flips as I
come from a long-line of medics!
They were appalled when I stopped having
annual mammograms 10 years ago (she talks about
this in the interview also)

However, I would love to know your thoughts 


Posh In Pearls

Dec 15, 2014

The Duchess of Cambridge was once again flying the flag for Britain
during her whistle-stop trip to the USA last week.

Kate is becoming known as the "recycling" Princess in 
the British press, but wearing something more than once hardly warrants the 
tag "recycling" ;-)

Nonetheless I think she looked as elegant as always in a
gorgeous cashmere navy coat by Goat and her familiar Annousha Ducas 
pearl earrings.

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, New York 2014, pearl earrings, Annoushka Ducas

It is not the first time that the pearl earrings have 
accompanied the Duchess on a tour. 
They were very much a feature when she toured 
Australia last Spring.

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, Australia 2014, pearl earrings, Annoushka Ducas

The pearl earrings are by Annoushka Ducas 
who founded the globally recognized Links of London.

pearl earrings, Annoushka Ducas, Kate Middleton, diamonds,
These gorgeous beauties cost approx £1,000/$1500.
The earrings feature gold hoops with a black rhodium finish
and diamonds all set along the spine.

Yes please Santa!!!

Would love to hear your view on Kate's style.
What do you think about a Princess "re-cycling"? Do
you like the earrings? Nothing special? 
Just a normal pair of
pearl earrings?

I am not a pearl wearer, so don't really
have a view other than they look very
regal, and that is something she always
has to be mindful of (she can hardly start
wearing loud and proud "chandeliers" when
on royal duty).

However is she dressing older than  her years?
Could she still be regal but with a younger vibe
ie Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco?
I personally think she has it right, but as
always would love to hear your views.


p.s Update:
Do you remember I wrote a couple of weeks ago about
how I get asked constantly for products by bloggers I don't even
follow (here).
Well, one such blogger emailed me in September asking
for one of our leopard rings.
I dutifully "ignored" the email.
Guess what? I got another email from "blogger
in question" saying "I haven't received my ring yet".
I was so flabbergasted I just had to laugh.
I did reply saying, you were never told you were
going to be sent the ring. She replied saying she thought
by me not replying that was me "being OK" with sending it!!!

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Dec 8, 2014

So December has arrived and it's the month
that suddenly sees me want to adorn myself in every 
shade of red imaginable; from flaming
crimson to blazing cinnabar.

Armani Privé

I don't know what it is, but I suddenly want to
channel my inner Mrs Claus and wear red wherever 
and whenever possible (a color I never wear the rest
of the year).

Christmas dresses, red dresses, Elie Saab, red, sparkles
Elie Saab

The need for red talons and lips become a requirement.
I never wear red lipstick or nail varnish any other time
 until the "month of madness" is upon us, and then I
feel the need to become Cruella deVille

red, red lipstick, Dior lipstick

jimmy choo, red, red shoes, Christmas, red heels
Give me the Choos!

red jewelry, red jewellery, red earrings, chandelier earrings, red chandelier earrings
Have you met Zita? She also come in yellow gold

These beauties are available here

So are you like me when it comes to wearing this season's
feistiest shade, or do you avoid it at all costs?
Or perhaps you wear it all year round?
Would love to hear your thoughts as always
