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Why Did Meghan Reach For Onyx?

Oct 26, 2018

The world has gone Onyx crazy since Meghan was seen wearing
an Onyx necklace this week whilst on her and Harry's Australian tour.

I've known the powers of Onyx for a long time and it is one of the
reasons I sell Onyx pieces and they are some of my best-selling pieces.

meghan markle, onyx. jewellery, onyx jewellery, jewelry

Here's why:

* Onyx is a stone that protects the wearers personal space.
* it's a powerhouse protection stone; a stone of physical and 
mental strength.

onyx. jewellery, onyx jewellery, jewelry, statement rings, cocktail rings

here and here

*it's a stone of learning and growing.
* Onyx spring cleans your mind of internal chatter

onyx. jewellery, onyx jewellery, jewelry, statement rings, cocktail rings

here and here

* it protects your energy field and helps to calm your fears
leaving you feeling safe

onyx. jewellery, onyx jewellery, jewelry, statement rings, cocktail rings

* Onyx is one of the few stones that never needs re-charging as it
increases the energy of whatever it comes into contact with

onyx. jewellery, onyx jewellery, jewelry, statement rings, cocktail rings

So there you have it. My reasons I think Meghan reached for Onyx on her first
Royal tour.

I would love to hear your thoughts on whether you believe in the powers of
certain natural stones.
Also are you a Meghan fan?  I am not (gasp!)
But I do love Harry ;-)

As always I love to hear from you.