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Mar 31, 2020

Now  we are all in some form of isolation, I thought I would use this opportunity to bring you some of the things that are bringing me joy at this difficult time, in the hope you can take something from it also.
Now is a great time to dabble in topics and subjects you have always been interested in. 
The University of Yale is now offering it's most popular course 'The Science of Well-Being' and you  can register for a FREE

One I plan on joining is Masterclass (you have probably seen the Anna Wintour ads floating around Instagram). This is a paid subscription but it has some of the best instructors in the industry such as Gordon Ramsey, Anna Wintour, Bobbi Brown........the list goes on, and I plan to get stuck in ;-)
Working Out With:
So if you are at home and cannot get to a gym or a class, then exercising at home is your only option.
I found Melissa Wood on Instagram about 3 months ago and here workouts are fabulous; mainly Pilates and Yoga based but also working with weights, exercise balls etc. I love her workouts because some are 15 mins, some are 45 mins. Or you can mix and match and create your own. 
There is a monthly subscription of $9.99/month. But it is minimal when you consider what a good gym membership is.
The name says it all. 'The Martini'.
This is a bath soak by GOOP and is supposed to:
*take the edge off turbulent times
*centres the body and spirit
*helps to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.
I have used it and I love it. I am not a huge bath fan (I prefer a good power shower), but this is slowly converting me ;-)
Listening To:
I am an avid reader, but I have slowly been converted to audio books over the last 2-3 years.
 I love listening to audio books because it means I can listen when doing other things. I also find I retain more when I listen rather than just read (maybe that is just an age thing ;-)
Here are some of my favourite audio books I am listening to or re-listening to at the moment. They are all non-fiction as I don't tend to read or listen to fiction at the moment.
I won't link them all. But you can find them all on AUDIBLE

* The Surrender Experiment (Michael Singer)
* The Untethered Soul (Michael Singer)
*The Happiness Advantage (Shawn Achor)
*Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert)
*Girl Stop Apologising (Rachel Hollis)
*The Beautiful No (Sheri Salata)
*Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender (Dr David Hawkins)
I hope you find one you like that you may not have even considered before.
Pursuing The Pretty:
I'm not sure about you, but in times of "crisis" I need things to cheer me up and just make me happy. And this is one of my "non-essentials" that I know I will make use of in Spring  and Summer because let's face it, Spring and Summer will still be arriving.
You can get up close and personal with these beauties here
So there you have it!
I hope you enjoy some of the things that are bringing me a little joy.
Keep safe.

Everything Is Coming Up Daisies

Mar 9, 2020

Has Spring arrived where you are?
It hasn't where I am and there doesn't look like much sign of it next week either!
So to help us imagine Spring is on its way, I wanted to talk about flower-power.

Floral designs are still everywhere 


However, I'm not sure about you but in the past I tended to keep
away from florals. I always feel that if you don't know how to pick
the right pieces you could either look like someone's spinster Great-Aunt
or a remnant from the 60's! So I've always steered clear.

However, if you are still unsure of doing the whole floral get-up
then why not just add a floral piece that will still bring you
on-trend but not in such a conspicuous way.

If you want to follow the daisy trend as Kate Middleton did (without having to sell
one of your children or a kidney) then I think you
might like these:

Kate last week in Ireland wearing Daisy Earrings from Asprey
Cost: £17k

These are more affordable and just as pretty (in my humble opinion).

All here

That's it lovely ladies.
Love to hear from you as always

p.s a little something to make you chuckle