Most of you following my blog for some time know that I lost my Mum at a very early age (for both of us) to the dreaded
Big C. She was only 48, and I was only 24. To think I am only a few years short of when her life ended, makes me shudder every time. In fact she died during Breast Cancer Awareness month-how ironic.
My Mum's favourite flowerSo as you can imagine Breast Awareness month is important for me.
I'm not really a "preachy" type, but today I am going to PREACH; loud and bold, because I feel so passionately about this.
I am BEGGING all my lovely followers to please give yourself the gift of this book.

STOP reading your fiction, glossy magazines and anything else just for a few days and read this.
I read this book about 6 years ago ( and I re-read it every year), and was so excited and appalled by what I was reading, that in a frenzied state (which I am known to be afflicted with), I gifted it one October to all my best girlfriends. Suddenly it felt like breast cancer was no longer a lottery; I could really have a lot of say in whether this horrid disease found me or not (despite it running in my family).
Let me tell you this is the book the pharmaceutical companies, and doctors DO NOT want you to read.
As many of you know, I worked as a Consultant for the Medical Research Council for over 10 years, and let me tell you:
*the research that is funded is decided principally by which "big boys" from the Pharma industry are behind the research.
*Most doctors will manipulate their research in line with what a pharmaceutical company asks, if they are behind the funding.I have seen these discussions first-hand, and I was sick to the stomach with what I heard
*The medicine your doctor prescribes you for this deadly disease is decided principally on the price of the medication, NOT the effectiveness.
Lets not forget that BILLIONS have been poured into Cancer Research, and in the last 40 years we are not that much more advanced. If cancer research was a private business, the shareholders would have closed down the business decades ago.
I say in my title
"Don't be Arrogant" because I want you to know you could be affected by this deadly disease.
If you look to the left you will see I have 139 Google Followers. Just think, 1 out of every 4 of us are likely to get breast or ovarian cancer. PLEASE don't let it be you.
Two of my very good friends (who I gifted this book too) both had BC before aged 42!
*Both were given months to live. *Both had young children who they were determined to see grow up (the same as the author). *Both took action from this book, much to the disdain and indignation of their doctors (and sometimes even family).*Five years later, BOTH are cancer free.(Remember they were both given only months to live!)From this book they learnt what products to eliminate from their diet (there aren't many, but there is one HUGE one you should know about). They learnt the questions to ask their doctors (the questions the doctors are hoping you don't ask), and they both refused chemotherapy!
PLEASE (don't make me beg again ;-) Buy this book now.
I bought my book from (which offers free international shipping. So no excuses ;-)
Note: I am not a Medic or a Research Scientist (the author is though). I am not "anti-doctors" (I come from a family of doctors). I have NO affiliation with the author or with the Book Depository. I am just someone who doesn't want to be touched again by this horrid disease.