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Sunnies Side Up

Apr 25, 2013

This week has been glorious in London, so my thoughts went to
where the hell I had put all my sunglasses.
Most are left at my home in Spain as I
had forgotten that the UK does have sun.

I am an Aviators girl usually (I just never got the big
bug-eye look going ;.)

But then came across these and just
wished I was brave enough to don a pair

All the above by Swedish designer  Anna Karin Karlsson

A-Morir, Prada and DSquared

I SO love the floral glasses by A-Morir
above. I just wish I was brave enough to
wear them :-(

What are your thoughts? Too Nicki Minaj?
Are you a traditionalist when it comes to 
your sunnies or do you go with the 
latest look?

Would love to hear from you.

p.s excuse my rather lame attempts at collages; still
haven't had the time to perfect them yet.

No-one Came To My Party

Apr 18, 2013

Every now and then, much to my anger and
irritation I lose my mo-jo, 
and this week was a case in point.

There just seemed to be sadness everywhere I turned.

I felt life was unfair (really dangerous territory for the mind)

Atrocious events made me more aware
of the struggle and fears we are all living with.

I was looking at my Dad, once a tall,elegant and dignified man
now just a shell of his former self.

I had lost my "sparkle" and I didn't care.
I wasn't even trying to find it.

I was having me a big ol pity-party.
No-one else RSVP'd, but that didn't
stop me. I  didn't care I was the 
only guest dancing at this party
for as long as my heels would hold me.

Alcohol wasn't needed at this party-oh no!
I wanted to be fully alert and conscious about
my self-pity; I really wanted to enjoy and 
wallow in it, like a big, old
hippo wallowing in mud.

But then my lovely friend Sandee from
A Brit Greek, pinned this on one of my
Pinterest boards.

It was as if she had popped by my
pity party just to tell me this ;-)

But why did she have to remind me of this when
all I wanted to do was find me a quiet spot and
read my book ;-) I hadn't finished wallowing. 
Didn't she know that? How dare she?

But she did, and serendipity led me straight to
her pin by pure accident.

And then I thought about recent horrific events in
Boston and Waco and thought, how dare I wallow
in self-pity.

Then I remembered a "mantra" that my Mum
always used to say which is:

"Appreciation for today and eagerness for
what's coming tomorrow".

For some reason, it always gets 
me out of my slump.

How do you get yourself out of a slump
or find your mo-jo again?

Is "mo-jo" just over-rated?

Do you hold pity-parties every now and

Would love to hear your thoughts Lovelies and
special thoughts and prayers for all in the US 
this week


Spring Trends 2013: My Picks

Apr 10, 2013

OK Lovelies, the weather started to warm up here
in the UK, and my thoughts darted quickly to Spring
(before I missed the event that could have lasted all
of a day ;-)

So these are my picks of the Spring trends for 2013.


First up is my fav designer Carolina Herrera. My home in
Spain is literally 2 minutes from one of her stores and it proved 
to be a "dangerous" place for me to live. Anyway, I digress. 

CH went for pastels. I read pastels will be  going into
Autumn/Winter 2013 also. So maybe it's worth the splurge.

If you are going for pastels I've recommended keep your
jewellery pastel or simple (pastel on pastel seems to be
a big trend also this year)

Spring 2013- Carolina Herrera
From left to right:
Olivia earrings
Celeste earrings
Alessandra pendant
Mariella earrings


Diane Von Furstenberg did gorgeous "wearable" bolds
Here are some of my favs.
Again if you are going bold, I would either 
accentuate the color you are wearing as with
the stacking bangles that incorporate the same
colors or just go simple.
Spring 2013- Diane Von Furstenberg
Stacking bangle set
Elsa pendant
Luisa ring
Viviana earrings


As these are 2 colors I live in, I had to include them.
Both Carolina Herrara (middle image) and Chanel
focused on these colors.
The great thing with these colors is you can
really amp up and go bold, and add just enough
color to add "pop" to your outfit.

Spring 2013- Carolina Herrera/Chanel
Stella earrings
Natalia rings
Lydia ring
Lace pendant


Stripes were also featured for this Spring both Marc Jacobs (images on 
the left and right) and Chanel (middle image) went for stripes.

I do love stripes in the Spring and Summer
but am maybe overly conscious about wearing
them. I think they have to be just right without making
me look like I am a pedestrian crossing ;-)
If you are going for stripes keep your bling plain,
bold (if you wish) but simple. You don't want too 
much going on with the stripes.
Spring 2013- Marc Jacobs/ Chanel
Stacking bangles
Lina earrings
Elisa ring
Mia ring

So there you go Lovelies, my picks. 
I am by no means an expert, just selected
what I like ;-)

Which theme are you aiming for this Spring?
Whose designs really took your breath away?
(either from above or other).

Would love to hear you thoughts about 
what you are coveting for Spring/Summer.

p.s a special thank to you Ivana who helped me with my collages ;-)

What If..........................

Apr 4, 2013

My Dad is currently in hospital :-(
Next to him in hospital is a young man 
who has the most gorgeous, 
permanent smile on his face.

I have started chatting to him, took him
some Easter eggs and just give him a 
hug and some time to listen to him 
(whilst Hubs and
Dad take bets on how long it will take 
before I start blubbing).

You see " smiling man" has a terminal illness; 
he only has months to live. We don't talk
about his illness, but I leave his side thinking
of nothing else.

So I started thinking about what I would
do differently if I knew time was limited

I don't want this to be a heavy-hearted post,
so I'm only listing the light-hearted
things I would do differently if I knew
time was not on my side (as a way of
making me appreciate the smaller
things in life and stop sweating the
small stuff, which I am really good at ;-)

So here goes.................

I would have taken the time to take
long, fragrant baths instead of jumping into
the shower every morning because it is quicker
and better for the environment

I would have bought the ridiculously opulent
chandelier without worrying what my friends
would think of me

I would have worn white more without caring 
about the grass stains I would have got
whilst rolling around in the grass during
wonderful picnics with friends and family

I would have driven with the car roof down
even if I had just had my hair beautifully blow-dried;
I wouldn't have cared.

I would have laughed less whilst watching
TV, and more whilst watching life.

This gorgeous little girl is from Afghanistan. The scars on her
face were caused by a bomb in Kabul. How much can we learn
from her gorgeous little smile?

I would have had the wild parties in my house
instead of worrying about my light-colored
decor being ruined

I would  have really stopped to smell the roses

I would take pleasure in eating all the things
we've been told are bad for us ;-)

My daily fruit servings would come packaged like this

And I would try and live by these words more.

What about you? What would you do differently if you
knew time was limited? Would you have the same job?
Would you live in the same place? Would you
do something completely different/spontaneous?

As always I would love to hear

p.s all images via Pinterest