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I Forgive Myself For...........

Feb 25, 2012

As I race through each week at break-neck speed, I seem to constantly live in a state of guilt for all the things I should or shouldn't have done.

So I am going to.....

............ forgive myself for not phoning back a friend who
only ever phones me when she has a problem (do you
have these friends?)

.......... I forgive myself for undermining my worth by sometimes
comparing myself to others success

.......... I forgive myself for getting irritated with an elderly parent
simply because his brain was not working as fast as mine

....... I forgive myself for being 20 mins into a car journey and
not admitting to Hubs I was holding the map upside down

......... I forgive myself for not following up my dental appointment. I have put
"Dr Teeths" children through private school since living in Spain. So I decided
I'm not putting them through University also ;-)

......I forgive myself for using hormones as an excuse
for my "usual" crazy madness

......I forgive myself for burning my chocolate puddle desserts
because I was distracted on Pinterest, but telling Hubs they are meant to be
slightly crunchy ;-)

.......I forgive myself for running through life so fast that
I not only forget where I've been, but also where I'm going

.........I forgive myself for never sticking to a blogging schedule
(I'm convinced my followers don't really care)

......I forgive myself for only being able to think about what I was
going to have for lunch during a meditation class, because
I was SO hungry. Enlightenment passed me by yet again!

.......I forgive myself for bumping into an old client and all
through the conversation I was only trying to remember her
name. The worst thing was she remembered mine
and everything about me

.......I forgive myself for giving up when I still had something to
give, but tiredness got the better of me.

So my Lovelies, what do you forgive yourself for?

C'mon confess, and
just let it go :-)

p.s check out these gorgeous beauties for your summer wardrobe

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Feb 18, 2012

Sometimes.......I get frightened thinking about the future. I know it's
completely futile, but it happens

Sometimes......I wonder what my Mum would have made of some of the life
decisions I have made; decisions I made blindly because she was not around to guide me

Sometimes........I get paralyzed with fear thinking about breast cancer and
whether I will get it (again another futile thought!)

Sometimes........I feel there will never be advances in cancer; not while the
pharmaceutical industry have ultimate control over medical/scientific research

Sometimes........I do stop and just breathe (Hubs calls it "zoning out" ;-)

Sometimes......I wish I could just ring up some of my wonderful blogging
friends and say, "Hey! how do you fancy meeting for a coffee and a
girlie chat".

Sometimes .......I lose hours with Twitter and Pinterest

Sometimes........I wonder what my legacy will be
as I don't have children.

I hope it will be, "she was a good example of a hard-worker,
a better example of a a daughter, and the
best example of a wife and loyal and sincere friend".

Sometimes.........I can spend hours in my kitchen cooking
up a feast for no-one in particular

Sometimes.......I wonder if I followed the "right" path

Sometimes.......I get overwhelmed by how lucky I really am

Sometimes......I wonder what it would be like to be drunk.
I'm a tee-total, and have never been drunk (sometimes
I think it could be fun)

Sometimes.........I wonder if I will ever find the perfect

I ALWAYS.................write in my Gratitude journal (this
is my 5th year of doing so, and I love reading back over old

I NEVER................ask "Why me?" because the answer
always comes back "Why not?".

What are your "sometimes", "always" and "nevers"?
As always I would love to hear

p.s check out these beauties for your Spring/Summer wardrobe ;-)

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A Spanish Valentines

Feb 12, 2012

I thought I would bring you some Spanish gems for Valentines

Gold and diamond pendant in a
polyglot heart - Tous

Gorgeous Gold heart earrings- Aristocrazy

Miniyo Wedges- Coolway

Stunning satin shoes-Pura Lopéz

Rosario tulle flowers at your feet -Pretty Ballerinas

I really love this multicolor satchel-Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Floral clutch -Desigual

Red enamel hearts with Swarovski crystals-Viceroy

For all my lovely friends shivering in a very cold
Europe (including me in Spain!),
stay warm Angels!!!

What are your plans for Valentines, do you not celebrate?
Is Valentines just another commercial marketing day?
Here in Spain it is still not that popular,
altho it is growing in popularity each year.

Couldn't resist this!
Boys will be boys ;-)

Would love to hear what you" really" think ;-)

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Love is..........

Feb 8, 2012

* letting you take the first sip of his cappuccino

*a soft, unexpected touch

*what causes you to lose concentration

*looking forward most to aprés-ski ;-)

* knowing what each other are thinking without saying a word

*not asking how much your new shoes and dress cost ;-)

*letting her take over the bathroom

*not complaining even though he only has 1/5th of
the wardrobe space

* not saying anything when he turns over in bed and takes all the
covers with him

*finding strength in each other when disaster strikes

* a necessity not a luxury

*not letting time run out

* him buying you your favorite magazine without you even asking

*letting him drive with the car roof down even though you
know you will arrive at your destination looking like a troll

*the reason we are here

*living spontaneously, not according to a life plan

*the fairytale you want it to be

* holding onto every precious moment

*when your future is as crystal clear as it can be

*always bringing out the best in each other

* not speaking for hours, but knowing the other is a touch away

*wanting the same things in life

*not caring about compromise; it's a given

Please share what love is for you..........................

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Madrid Fashion Week 2012

Feb 4, 2012

Well as this week was Madrid Fashion week, I thought I would bring you some Spanish designers who are perhaps as not as well known outside Spain, but who I think create gorgeous "wearable" designs (Ok, not to be worn to the supermarket, but I think you get my drift ;-)

So here goes:

Jesus del Pozo

Not sure if poodle comes with dress ;-)

I can see Kate Middleton wearing something
like this. What do you think?

I love these, but don't like the footwear
they've put with it :-(

Juanjo Oliva

I love ALL his designs. I can't choose a fav.

Adolfo Dominguez

I love all the gorgeous pastel shades, and really
LOVE their sandals!

Amaya Arzuaga (a fav of Penelope Cruz)

I love the first dress.

What do you think? Do you like any of them?
What's your fav?

I'll bring you some more later this week ;-)

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