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Life is Like A Cup of Coffee

Mar 31, 2012

I don't usually post videos on my blog, but I saw this
this week and it really resonated with me

Take just 3 minutes to watch this (the same time it takes
to boil your kettle for a cuppa)

I hope it resonates with you in the same
way ;-)

I would love to hear your thoughts.

The Most Beautiful Words

Mar 24, 2012

Henry James the American writer
said the most beautiful words in
the English language were "summer afternoon".

Being British, I know that the reality of summer afternoons
are sometimes few and far between

That's why my least favourite word is "umbrella!" ;-)

However, when a summer afternoon does arrive, it really
DOES feel like the most beautiful words in the English language.

I couldn't resist this!

What is your favourite word in the English language, and why?

All images from Pinterest

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Another Year Older........

Mar 17, 2012

OK, by the time this post goes out I will be celebrating another
year older, and hopefully another year wiser (but the
latter is still up for debate ;-)

Here's some of the things I've learnt as I continue my
studies in the University of Life

* stop trying to convince anyone of anything

* try and go with the flow whenever you can. Rowing upstream
only causes you more resistance. However, going with the flow is not the
same as bailing out. Don't be fooled ;-)

*The worst lie you can tell yourself is, "I will
be happier when................"

*I'm learning not to worry about what comes next

* You're never as wrong as when you are sure you are right
(think about it ;-)

*If you don't give with a true sense of joy, don't bother giving

* Logic has it's limits. People who worship logic all the time
tend to suffer in their happiness and relationships

*It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel
least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you
(honestly, it works every time!)

*Goals are good, but don't let them dictate your life.
Sometimes in pursuit of a goal, we miss the real, unexpected
prize which is always better

*It's great to have an edge, but if you are too sharp you will cut the
people around you

* The Universe whispers to you first. Then it taps you on the
shoulder. If you're still not listening it will punch you
in the gut and drop you to your knees! So pay
attention to your instincts (they are your

* Buying jewelry is like buying jeans. The budget
is different, but once you know what suits you. it's easy :-)

(You go little girl !!)

* Style cannot be bought; it's something you learn.
It's ever evolving. You'll make some big style mistakes
that you will learn from, but which will also make you
belly laugh in years to come.

(yearning for)

* Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere
(OK, I'm imagining this bag on my arm this summer ;-)

* For me the word "doubt" means don't. Don't move.
Don't answer. Don't rush forward

(A mantra to live by)

I would love to hear what the University
of Life has definitely taught you.

All images courtesy of Pinterest

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Mar 11, 2012

I'm most creative when................

lying in my bath with only the sound of my
breathing for company

or anywhere I can just enjoy the silence alone

If I were a color, I'd be ........................

PURPLE; a little passion mixed with romance

When I was younger......................

I wanted to be a professional dancer;

not necessarily a ballet dancer, but certainly professional.
I trained in Ballroom and Latin until I was 18 years old

But I had parents who didn't think dancing was a profession-simply a hobby.
So I ended up as Criminal Psychologist instead, until I gave it all up
12 years ago :-)

I often wonder how much influence parents should exert on
children as they choose their path.
I would love your thoughts

(this picture always makes me feel so sad)

I would love to spend a Sunday afternoon......................

walking around the Sunday markets of Paris or Provence
followed by lunch at a quaint bistro.

(St. Paul de Vence-France)

I often imagine....................

Hubs and I taking 6 months off to travel across
the USA in a RV

It's certainly on my wish-list

My secret talent....................

I can play the piano. I finished all my eight grades, but
have never played in the last 25 years :-(

I hope I'm put in the soul, Motown, 70's, Country
or soul-jazz category ;-)

What's your fav music genre? Are we likely to be put together?

I would love to know about my lovely followers/friends.

Answer the 5 statements, and lets learn more
randomness about each other, and embrace
what makes us all so wonderfully different.

P.S don't forget to enter our Pinterest 'Pin It to Win It' competition which ends March 17th.

(All images courtesy of Pinterest)

March Means.................

Mar 3, 2012

March is definitely one of my favorite months for many reasons; epitomizes the beginning of Spring for me

........of knowing that the feel of sunlight on my skin is not far away

....... the sight of the morning dew instead of frost

........everyone seems to have removed their Winter veils
and are smiling for no reason(unless you are Victoria Beckham ;-)

.........buds are breaking out of their naked branches

........some of my fav flowers are starting to
shove their shiny snouts through the bare earth

.......the realization that my grey roots can no longer be hidden
under customary winter hats!

.......the smell of freshly laundered sheets that were
left to blow in the breeze

........seeing gorgeous pastel colors in the shops and knowing that
the slow banishment of black from my wardrobe must now begin basket of sunglasses taking residence on my hall
stand so that I can grab any pair as I dash out of the door

.........the realization that the feel of sand between my toes is not
far away (maybe 1 more month if you live in Spain)

.......time to start thinking of summer accessories after
months of scarfs and hats tastes to tantalize the taste-buds after months
of having an excuse for eating comfort foods ;-)

........the amazement that the beginning of Spring is always better
than you expect

.........finally, it's the month when I was born. So it's
always a month of reminiscing, new objectives and
appreciation for another wonderful year on this planet

What's your favorite thing about the beginning of Spring/March?

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