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Operation Bikini

Jun 30, 2012

OK Operation Bikini has started with vengeance here in Spain.

Gym memberships increase in April/May as opposed
to in the UK when gym memberships increase in Jan.

OK, I've accepted I'm never going to have a peachy bum
like this, but a girl can dream can't she?

Everyone is getting bikini ready

OK, here are the diet rules I attest to. Please bear in mind when 
reading them that I have the willpower of a gnat, and 
the metabolism of a DEAD slug.

Peach Bellini's .................

and  Blackberry Mojito's count as fruit.

Biscuit pieces have no calories because breaking the
biscuit causes the calories to leak out

If you eat standing up, food has no calories due to

Food eaten for medical purposes does NOT count
e.g chocolate, toast slathered with butter, cheesecake
and Vodka

Food eaten from someone else's plate has no fat.
Well really, the calories belong to the other person.....don't they?

When you eat with others, calories don't count
if you don't eat more than they do

While you are cooking, food licked from knives
and forks has no fat

If no-one sees you eat something, 
it has no calories

My fav tip!!

Jokes aside, share with us a tip that
enables you to get bikini ready.

p.s Please forgive me for not being very active on the blogoshpere. The BIG pack has started in earnest 
Trust me, it's no fun when the temperatures are 45ºC/115ºF most days.

Schools Out!!

Jun 23, 2012

Well Summer is officially here if you are a student of any kind in Spain. Yes! School officially finished yesterday, and kids all over Spain will now have the privilege of spending the best part of 12 WEEKS at the beach (or on holiday of some kind). 

So to all my Brit friends, count yourself lucky that your nippers only get about 6 weeks. 

 In celebration of school being out I wanted to share this really inspirational video by Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith in the film The Pursuit of Happyness). 

 Whether you are still a student, are parents of students or just reminiscing about 
your own student days, I think we can all relate to this short video.


So what are you memories of school/University etc?
Good or bad?

Were your holidays endless days at the beach?

Did you go to the same place every summer and consequently
make "summer friends" that later became life-long
friends (this is quite common in Spain if families return
to the same beach every year). Some summer friends
later become husbands or wives

I sooooo love this picture

Did you travel to a different destination every year, and
do you still do the same now?

Couldn't resist showing you our
sea-shell pendant which also contains
a real pearl inside

Can't wait to hear about your younger summer days :-)

p.s forgot to mention last week that the lovely Karla from The Classy Woman won our Summer giveaway

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and be automatically entered into
our all regular Giveaways!


Jun 19, 2012

I was a little lost for inspiration this week (blog posts don't come easily for me). 
Then I remembered this fab short video I saw (you only need 4 minutes to watch it). 
It's about the founder of Spanx! Yes, I have worn them on  occasion too ;-)


What are your dreams?
What have you really wanted to do but
have been put off, either by others telling you it won't
work, or because your own inner-talk has talked you out of it?

Are you ready yet to make the leap?

I can't wait to hear your thoughts Lovelies

This week.....................

Jun 10, 2012

............may you find what you've been looking for in the 
most unexpected place; a useful coin, 
your favorite nail varnish, a lost receipt..................

may you be really necessary for someone

may you get the front door open and charge to the phone
before it stops

may you find the perfect swimsuit for your
long awaited holidays

may you say the right thing to
the wine waiter

may you be astonished by your own abilities

may you fall in love with reality 
and not an illusion

may you find exactly the right retort-succint,
memorable, overwhelming at the time
and not half an hour later

may you enjoy just" being" and not find it necessary
to be constantly "doing"

How are you planning to make this week different
from usual?

p.s don't forget to enter our giveaway in the previous post

p.p.s do pop over to the lovely Cupcake Caramel who wrote a lovely post about her
recent shopping experience with us.

All images via Pinterest

Summertime + Giveaway!

Jun 3, 2012

Summer means for me............

All things turquoise 

No heels

Summer hair

Making time for more romantic moments

Strawberries at Wimbledon. I'm convinced they really
do taste differently
when eaten at this London spot

The only sign I want to see


In celebration of all things turquoise, these
gorgeous earrings are our GIVEAWAY.

i)Follow our blog + leave a comment
ii) Pop over to our Facebook page (link top right), 
like us, and leave a comment

iii) Follow us (VanLuxuria) on Twitter +
tweet about the giveaway

Competition ends 16 June.