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Jul 31, 2013



Jewelry comes into it's own when
worn al-fresco.
So capitalise on your bare necks
hair up and
tanned arms.


Dinner for two

Do you like al fresco dining?

Do you dine outside all summer or
only when you have guests?

In Spain it is actually too hot to eat
lunch outside and usually aperitifs 
are only taken outside.

However I love going to the beach to
eat al-fresco in Autumn and Winter.

As always  would love to hear your thoughts.

It's a Boy- So It's Blue!

Jul 25, 2013

So this is where the worlds press has been camped
for the last month on baby-watch.

It was curious for me as I have passed this place
more times than I care to mention, plus it is also from
where I made my "debut" in 19........ ;-)

I have never been so fascinated with this door than
whilst waiting during the 10 minutes preceding the BIG
exit of  Baby Cambridge.

Kate and William with new baby

The country has now turned a lovely shade of blue
..........everywhere you look

This is the patriotic in me rearing it's head 

blue jewelry, blue earrings,

blue jewelry, blue earrings,


My fav interior color combination


I so want these armchairs

blue jewelry, blue earrings,

Kate and William with new baby

Congratulations to the lovely couple

So have you been on baby-watch or
is it something you can take or leave?
Perhaps you are anti-Monarchist and think
they cost us too much?

Whatever your thoughts I would love to
hear from you


Beach Bling

Jul 17, 2013

Here's my question Lovelies.
Do you do bling on the beach?

I was surprised when I moved to the Med how many woman
load up the bling to go to the beach (just stopping short
of looking like Mr T's wife ;-)

If I'm having lunch on the beach then
I will add just one statement piece, but to mess
around in the sand and water?

summer jewelry, summer jewellery, gemstones, cuffs, hoop earrings, gold

summer jewelry, summer jewellery, gemstones, turquoise, turquoise jewelry

How cute are these?

cuffs, summer jewelry, summer jewellery, gemstones, purple jewelry,

stacking bangles, summer jewelry, summer jewellery, gemstones

The perfect spot

At the end of the day there
are no rules.

My kinda girl!

Would love to hear your views
on bling to the beach

Be Inspired

Jul 11, 2013

OK Lovelies. Pull up your
favorite chair.

Grab your favorite drink.


Milk with chocolate ice-cubes

Pink Grapefruit Margeritas

Blueberry Lavender Mojito
Violet Champagne

OK are you comfy?

Give yourself the luxury of
just 20 minutes to be inspired.

I want to share with you this
wonderful Harvard commencement
speech made by JK Rowling.

I've never read any Harry Potter books
so can't comment on JK as an author.
But as a speaker she really inspired me.


What did you think?
I know the story of working for
Amnesty really touched me.

I can't even remember my own
commencement speech (I have a tendency
to disconnect quite quickly if not inspired),
but this vid really inspired me to not
look at mistakes as failures; mistakes
just mean you are trying ;-)

Would love to hear your views.