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Embellish Boldly

Oct 30, 2014

Well this week sees the introduction of more sparkles into 
our boutique just in time for Santa to start taking notes ;-)

These gorgeous pieces are by a Greek designer whose designs
have been in Vogue magazine and Deluxe magazine ( to name a few).

It was simply by chance we came into contact; she contacted me
and asked me to look at her portfolio and I "dangerously"
fell in love with everything ;-)

These are just the first lot of designs added this week to our boutique.
There are plenty more on their way.

All the ring designs have a matching pendant and are all exquisitely crafted
in silver, gold vermeil and embellished with Swarovski crystals.

Each design is made to order.

These pieces will really turn heads this party season (and 
for all the right reasons ;-)

This will be in our boutique later this week

I am offering my blog readers a $60 discount off any piece
for a very limited time.
Your discount code is AMARIS-60 and your
discount code expires on  Sunday 9 NOVEMBER.

So if you are interested get your
little booty over here

I would love to know what you think of  my new offerings
and also just how your week has been 

The Wonders Of This Week

Oct 24, 2014

I seem to be writing more and more of these types of
post as I start to take notice of all the 
"wonders" around me (it's a really nice feeling too ;-)

This week saw the joy of:

*"I see! I get it!"

*long phone calls with your BFF about nothing

*the joy of conversations (with BFF) which
are impossible for others to understand ;-)

*the joy of Godiva chocolate and crocanti dipped
strawberries bought for me by "Hubalicious"

*the joy of being in the flow;losing all 
sense of time and place

*the joy of being on a "news-diet" for the last
5+ years and knowing I made the right decision

* the joy of finding the last designer label sweater
in your size AND color

* the joy of  open fires and warm textiles

* the joy of taking of your heels off after a LONG day

*the joy of just being cosy

*the joy of feeling everything eventually connects

*the joy of  online shopping ;-)

Do share some of your "wonders/joys" this week

Happy Weekend Lovelies

Wise Words

Oct 16, 2014

These are just some of the wise words
I "try" (try being the operative ;-)
to live by.

This was very much my Mum's mentality (even when we were 
at school). There was just no way I could play hooky ;-)
This mentality has subsequently stayed with me and helped me achieve
so many things I thought were impossible.

Don't you just wish more people would do this?

This quote sums up one of my biggest fears in life.

What wise words do you try to live by?

p.s despite losing my Mum at a very young age to cancer
I NEVER support cancer charities. Pop over to this post
I wrote last year that proved quite controversial and read
why ;-)

The Wonders Of This Week

Oct 9, 2014

Those of you who have followed me for a while
know that Autumn is really one of my favorite seasons.

I have lived in a country that really only had 2 seasons- 
Winter and Summer. This really made me appreciate the wonders
of Autumn.

Here are some of  the joys  of my week.

* long walks in the forest with only the crunch
of the leaves for company

* flushed, cold cheeks

*revisiting old books and finding
hidden gems you missed the first time around

* homemade, rustic comfort food

*an excuse to wear cashmere
(and waiting anxiously for
notification from Catherine Robinson
that my cashmere poncho is back in stock)

*listening to the rain beating against my bedroom
window and knowing I don't have to get up
just yet if I don't want to

*going back to my luxurious creamy
face creams (who I unfaithfully ditched
during the warmer months).

Body oils, hair oils, facial oils,
home fragrance oils, olive oil,,,,,,,,,,
Autumn makes we want to break out the 
oils (of every description).

*the joy of always having someone to share
things with

* the joy of receiving an unexpected gift

*the joy of watching my garden slowly start to
"shut down" for the winter

*hot chocolate

*seeing 2 of my new ring designs in production
and feeling like  a new mother about to give birth
(OK, I know it's not quite the same ;-)


*the cake that emerged golden and beautifully dome
shaped, and stayed that way

*decadent TV

Stunning Madeira Garnet earrings available here
Here's your $35.00 off discount code
(BLOG 35)
Offer ends October 16th 2014

Would love to hear what made your heart sing this week

Happy Weekend

Oct 3, 2014

How true is this?

I DO  have plans though: 

*catching up on all my magazine reading (and 
coming to terms with the fact that there is no longer
a chance for me to be Mrs Clooney :-(
*catching up on last weeks episode of Downton Abbey and 
Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
*trawling through my recipe books for warming 
Autumn recipes
*lunch with my bestie on Saturday
*lunch with my Daddy on Sunday
*packing away Summer clothes (I can't pretend anymore
we are having an Indian summer)
*no technology........OK, maybe just Instagram ;-)

What about you?

Have a lovely one whatever you are doing