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Who Am I Really?

Feb 27, 2017

Recently I have been getting lots of questions on
my FB page from new followers who want to know
more about me-the face behind my biz.

I do keep most of my personal life off
Facebook and Instagram.

So instead I thought I would interview myself and give you
some juicy tit-bits you might not know.

So here goes:

What was my dream job as a child?
OK, so after realising I couldn't be a mermaid,
I then wanted to be a Charlies Angel. They were 
the "girl-power" of the time.
I guess something about that stayed with me as 
I went on to become a Criminal Psychologist.

Why jewellery?
You could say diamonds are in my DNA.
My great-grandmother was one of the first Gemologists
who was allowed to go down into the Kimberly diamond mines
in South Africa. You can read more here

Greatest Strength?

Something that may surprise you
about me?
I hate confrontation in any shape or form
(a typical Piscean some will say ;-)

Favourite Quote?

Best Piece of Advice?
My Mum always said "if you have the choice
of being right or being kind, always choose
kind". Her favourite quote from Wayne Dyer.

Hardest Piece of Criticism?
I was told by a teacher at school that there was
no point applying for University as I would never last
(as I am so easily distracted). She suggested selling perfume
in Selfridges was the best I could do! Needless to say I got 
a First at University ;-)

Who would I most like to meet?
It's quite hard for me to be in awe
of  celebrities as such. But I would have liked to have 
met Estée Lauder (after reading her biography) and also Elvis!

Morning routine?
 Meditation and writing in my Five Minute Journal.
Breakfast; this is usually a bagel! Don't judge me.
I never check emails in the morning as my day becomes too
reactive. So if you are about to die it's best you call me as 
you would have died by the time I get the email ;-)

Favourite Apps?
Word Hippo

Favourite Perfume at the moment?
Diorella by Christian Dior (my signature scent since 
I was 18).

Go-to Websites:
Victoria Health
Cult Beauty

One song that always makes me feel happy?
I have a Playlist on Spotify that is full of
all uplifting songs that I put on as soon
as I sit down to work.
One that always make me happy and fires me up is
called "The Boss" by Diana Ross

The next thing on my "treat me" list?
This bag by Bottega Veneta

My one regret?
That my Mum didn't live to see me happily married
(but she had met my Husband who was my boyfriend
at the time and she loved him to bits).

Fictional figure I would  be?
Nancy Drew (more Miss Marple now though!)

I buy every week?
Fresh flowers every Friday. It's become
part of my "weekend begins" ritual.

Is there a Mr Luxuria?
The elusive "Mr Luxuria" is rarely seen on Instagram
as he is not a fan of selfies and I also hate
having my picture taken ;-)
The picture below was a "bribed" shot.

 I have been happily married  for the last 20+ years.
and have no children (which was a conscious decision).

There you have it. A few little tit-bits
to help you understand more of who I am.


ELLE Style Awards (London).

Feb 19, 2017

Last week was the ELLE 
Style Awards in London.

As usual there were some gorgeous
gowns and one or two "fails" for me.

My one fav and fail are below.

Thandie Newton is one of my fans and I tend to always
gravitate to her style as you can see here also.

For me Thandie delivered some serious style
points in this polka dot halter neck dress by

"Cold shoulder" is still a trend that seems to suit us all
(although I have still not tried it).

As Donna Karan once said, "no-one had fat shoulders!"

Are you a fan of "cold shoulders"?

Then we move onto my fail :-(
What can I say?
What do I need to even say?


What are your thoughts on this ensemble?
Perhaps that is how the creative mind expresses
I don't really know. 
All I know is I "didn't get it" ;-)

Are you a fan of Vivienne Westwood?
Do you own any of her pieces?

Finally, something dark + sensuous like a Tom Ford scent.

As always I would love to hear your thoughts


Shivering But Shimmering

Feb 13, 2017

She was shivering but shimmering at the
BAFTA's in London last night and
she looked gorgeous in a bespoke
Alexander McQueen dress.

I am not a "floral" girl. But I just loved this dress.

In the original collection the dress had spaghetti
straps and a corset top. But Kate's version had been customised
with a flattering Bardot-cut top (which I prefer).

I loved her earrings but Kensington Palace would not confirm whether she was wearing
her own jewellery or whether they had been loaned to her. Either way they were fab!!!

What did you think?
Did you like the dress?
There have been many comments that putting her
hair up ages her. What do you think?

As always I love hearing from you.


All images Daily Mail UK

What's Your Simple Thing?

Feb 4, 2017

OK, so my intention to try and blog at least
once a week has already fallen by the wayside.
How did that happen?

I was so sure I would do it this year?

Here's why it didn't happen. I also decided
that this year I would just "follow my joy".
So even if it is on my to-do list but it still
doesn't fill me with joy and inspiration and that 
moment in time then it's not happening.

Here's the thing. It's really working.
When I work at something that really brings
me joy (not because I have to to do it), I find I work
less time at it but  I am really in
the flow when working; the hours just pass without me realising.
I also get much better end results. 
I get more creative. I take more inspired action.
I work less.

I appreciate we can't always do what brings us
joy (especially if we work for somebody else),
 but there are many times we can make that choice
however small.

So if I am struggling on a task (which is usually
what to write about on my blog) and I just know
going for a walk, meditating, popping out
and buying some flowers to bring home will bring me more joy,
I go ahead and do it. 

It hasn't been easy as I am from the school
of ploughing on until it's done. But last year I worked
a lot of hours of "ploughing through" and it may have got 
the result, but it also left me feeling really stressed at the same time
(and often it didn't even produce the result I wanted!)

So it's something I am trying.
If you are a follower of Abraham Hicks, Quantum Physics
Law of Attraction, Vibrational Alignment…..
whatever you want to call it, you will know 
that emotion plays a HUGE part in what we achieve.

Therefore I would love to know what is ONE simple thing that brings you
back to joy?
It could be anything from listening to a play on the radio,
taking your dog for a walk,  the silence when you stand outside 
on a snowy night…………….anything.

Mine is turning the lights down,
and nestling in front of a wood fire. Just watching
the flames roaring I find so meditative (especially
when the weather is raging outside). Admittedly
I don't stop to do this throughout the day. But when I
do it leaves me back in my happy place and 
very grounded.

Would love to hear what your one simple
thing is.
